This discusison-forum seemed like the best place to post. (Re-edited from previous post).
Through my experience with WrongPlanet, one statistical criteria of note is how many responses are within discussion-thread topics within any given WP Forum.
A few examples from my experiences.
For WP in-general, two-dozen (24) responses seems most optimal - that is discussion-threads containing more than two-dozen responses may become too confusing in scope to follow, and understand.
The 'General Autism Discussion,' and the 'In-Depth Adult Life Discussion' forums seem to contain examples of discussion threads where a two-dozen response (rough) guideline seems optimal.
Exceptions to the two-dozen response (rough) benchmark apply -that is the true dynamics of the 'Politics, Philosophy, and Religion' and 'Random Discussion' forums may become apparent when over three-dozen (36) responses are in discussion-thread topics in these two forums.
As few as one-dozen (12) responses in discussion-threads in the forums; 'Social Skills and Making Friends' - ' Discussion', and the 'Computers, Math, Science, and Technology' forums seems optimal.
In most of the 'Topical Discussion Forums' - discussion threads containing between twelve and twenty-four (12-24) responses might provide just enough content to minimize confusion.
Outside of rough benchmarks, has WrongPlanet reassessed just what may, or may not be optimal numbers of responses for each of WPs (29) forums? Is there a "consensus of sorts?"