Finn Razelle wrote:
Skipping to favorite scenes in TV shows and watching them several times--yes. Especially those "key" moments of character development, emotion, or important "reveals."
The last week or so, I've been watching and re-watching "The Witcher" on Netflix over and over and over... From Episode 1 Season 1, all the way through the end of Season 2. (In my off hours each evening.) As soon as I get to the end, I find myself flipping back to the beginning and starting over again. So rare to find such a captivating story with excellent actors and characters, and each time I re-watch it, I notice something new. I think I've watched both seasons at least four or five times by now... Not sure how many more repetitions I'll indulge in before moving on to the next thing, but who cares? It's simultaneously entertaining and comforting... I guess maybe a form of "stimming" (?)
Like going back to visit old friends who never get tired of seeing you. Anyone else relate?
This idea of finding comfort in rewatching favorite moments or entire shows and movies seems common among some of us on the Spectrum. For me, at least, the lack of surprise and the guaranteed joy of seeing or hearing something again that I found compelling is VERY soothing. I even fall asleep with a favorite movie on, drifting off with the same pleasant pattern of thought that struck me on first viewing.
An ex of mine introduced me to the idea of having a favorite show or movie on when falling asleep.
It seemed SO odd and obsessive at first, but I quickly gained a deep appreciation for this form of stimming / repetitive action.
I often do gain additional little snippets of insight on multiple viewings, too. Small visual details, facial expressions that I didn't quite catch before, clever wordplay, etc, are all wonderful to catch on to in later viewings.
Darron, temporary Desert Rat