Desire to be important
The Dale Carnegie book on Stress says not to worry about not getting enough sleep because no one has ever died from a lack of sleep. That is not exactly good advice if you are trying to maximize your health. I think the book is called “How to Stop Worrying and Get on with your Life”.
In regards to human nature in general I think Robert Greene’s book “The Laws of Human Nature” deserves some kudos for trying to be comprehensive and objective on a broad and subjective topic. It is really amazing to me in that regard.
I think Robert Greene is a bit of a controversial author. They ban at least one of his books in prisons. The human nature book is pretty harmless for the free world at least.
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While a lot of people probably don't dream of being wildly important (and they probably don't want the stress that would go with that), they also realize that being seen as superfluous / unneeded is really - really - dangerous because in that case the social contract doesn't quite extend to where you're at.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
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Well said. I don't react well under stress, so I can't call the Police, and medical people think they can bully me into being normal.
I would find it horrible to be important haha. But I'd love to create things which no one has ever created before or something. Things which are important, of physical or metaphysical nature. Preferably anonymously.
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You're correct:
Remember that no one was ever killed by lack of sleep. Worrying about insomnia usually causes far more damage than sleeplessness..
[How to Stop Worrying and Start Living]
As you say, being underslept is bad for you and must have caused many deaths indirectly. One of the biggest problems I have with Carnegie is that he pushes his ideas too far, like an aggressive salesman.
What Shall We Value of Great "Import" To Decorate
The Great Within That Some Folks Refer to As Soul
Or Even Subconscious Mind, Per How We Feel and
Sense Our Realities, Before Word Think Even Rises
to Attempt
to Provide
A Reason(s);
Yes, For Our
Condition of Now,
Always New of Course
As Change is An Only Constant of Reality.
Eastern Philosophies Of Old in Tradition Seek
To Unify Our Realities (SPiRiTuALLY) Within, Inside, Outside,
Above, So Below, And All Around With Compassionate Love For All;
In ThiS Way, The More We Give to Others, the More We Become FeeLeD
Up With Joy of Peace iN Love; And Modern Science Suggests This is True,
In General
Of Course
As Some Folks
Organically Sadly
Have No Way to Reach
These Feelings and Senses
of Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete,
With so Much FLoWinG Outward From
Within to Give, Share, Care, And Heal With
Others So Far Beyond MONEY AND STUFF, EXTERNALLY AS SucH iN Material Ways
As More of A Tool Orientated Society Than A Human One, All Warm And Fuzzy for Real.
It's Like the Polar Opposites of the Same 'Christmas Carol' And 'It's A Wonderful Life;'
Both Classic Traditional American Stories That Tale Basically The Same Story; All We Take With Us
Is What We
Give Away
Now For Real;
i Generally Agree Yet Not All
Human Beings are Biologically
Able to Feel ThiS HeAvenLY Bliss And Bless of Give.
i've Been 'Fortunate' Enough to Survive the Suicide
Disease, Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia, the Worst
Assessed Pain Known to Humankind, No Drug Would Touch
For me; From Wake to Sleep For 66 Months, Along With 18 Other
Mostly Stress Related, Life Threatening in Synergy of Disorders From
A 'Cocktail' of
11 Years of
to Acute Work
Related Stress That Way;
i've Been At The Bottom of
Existence With Numb and Pain
of That Reality Of Not Being Able
to Sleep, except for About an Hour Each
Night For 35 Out of 40, Where the Last
5 Days i Could Not Sleep At All; With Only
A Shallow Hour Per Night Sleep Assisted Before
That With a Powerful Alpha Blocker to Slow
my Heart Rate Down Enough With Blood
Pressure Out of Synch With Dysautonomia;
Just Another Ingredient of HeLL ON EartH As
i Couldn't Remember if i Ever Felt A SMiLE Before in
My Life; Yes, Memories Are Emotions, And Emotions Are Memories;
When They Leave For Real, THere is No Reference Point Back Out of the Numb
And Pain of Hell, WHere All Is Time And A Second Feels Like A Thousand Years;
Highly Unlikely
That a So-Called
Guardian Angel
(my Mother Tried)
Could Have Convinced
me i Wasn't In Hell Then For Real...
Pretty Much Being A Real Devil With
No 'Forgiveness' Possible to Get Out
Of the Jail
of Hell For Real...
iNDeeD, Finding Out How Much
of Our Reality is A 'Within' Game For Real
And When All Of Your Disabilities, Life Threatening,
Are Invisible to Others, Forget About Any Real Sympathy
As There is No Blood Coming Out of the Pain in Your Right
Eye and Ear That Science Assesses As Worse than the Real
Torture of Crucifixion;
No 3 Hour to 3 Day
Tour; Yes, the Whole
Sentence, Paragraph,
And More Than 'Book Of Job' For 66 Months;
Again, WHere And When A Second is A Thousand Years IN Hell;
Yep, Just "Another" Bill Murray "Ground Hog Day" in Hell Where
The Acronym User Name, "AGHOGDAY" Comes From; As yes, i Spent
the Last 33 Month of that 66 Months on the 'Wrong Planet' Just Writing
From the Moment i Woke Up Until i Hoped to Go to Sleep For All Those Last
33 Months, Until All the Pain and Numb Melted Away on a Beach on July 19th, 2013...
This Life Business
And Play is All About
Perspective For What We
Feel and Sense is of Great 'Import' In Life...
"It's A Wonderful Life," Now Just Writing 11.1 MiLLioN Words of Free Verse Poetry
And Public Dancing 17,588 Miles in Autotelic Meditating Flow For 111 Months;
And in the Public Dance, i've Brought More SMiLes And Even Recorded Them
Than Anyone Could
Possibly Imagine
BacK iN The Hell Place for Real...
Escaping Hell, Makes it So Much Easier
to Actually Feel Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete,
With Plenty of SMiLes to Give Away as You May Come to
'See' What 'Import' That Is As Long as We Will Give A Smile Away
We aRe i'MPorTanT ENough to Live,
Not All Folks
Heaven ThiS Way...
Anyway, This is My
'Christmas Story;' No Myth,
NO Fiction; The Real Deal of Just Living
Being Human With A Smile to Give Away Free
or Perhaps
A Tear for
Those Who
Experience that
Gift of Comfort in Heaven True as Well
As Again Not All Do in the Other Place For Real...
One of my Favorite Parts of my "It's A Wonderful Life"
Is Earlier This Year Public Dancing At Walmart When A Young
Woman All Teary Eyed Came Up to me And Said She Just Wanted
to Thank me For Dancing So Free With Nary A Care for What Anyone
Thought of The Dancing Wings of me on Dry Land Hehe; She Said, Her
And Her FRiEnDS Were Having Tough Years Fitting in At High School and
They took Voyeur Videos of me Dancing And Danced Together With the Videos
After School as She Said It helped Inspire them to Get Through those Tough Years then...
From the First Year Finding Out When the Lowe's Team Were Installing a New Front Door
That The Contractors Doing it Back in Middle School in 2014, Inspired By my Public Dance
Dressed Up With Colorful Themed Shirts And Shades And Went Tricker Treating as me, hehe...
Yes, Yes, Yes, i've Heard And Documented Comments From Viral Voyeur Taken Video of Me
Numbering 1300 from The Metro Community; Ranging From They Hope i Wasn't Going 'Postal,'
to Famous, Local Icon, and Living Legend Too;
And i've Even Witnessed
Young Folks Mocking
Worship Kneeling
Down to me
With Clasped Hands As
Such in Prayer; Yes that was
a Little too much and Extremely Uncomfortable
to See; As Do Know, Feel, Sense For Real, When You are Naked,
Enough, Whole, Complete; THere is Neither Anyway Anyone Will Subtract
or Add Anything
To the Soul You
are Now Again,
Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete For Real;
Then You May Understand 'This Business' About
Worshipping 'God Men' Who Are Afraid of Criticism
IS A Biggest Lie Ever ALong With The Fact That Anyone
Who Goes to Hell For Real Will NEVER EVER EVEN TALK ABOUT
SENDING SOMEONE ELSE ThERE; In fact, They Will Move Mountains
of LoVE iN Peace if Necessary
To Give Away
The LoVE iN
Peace They Become
Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete iNCaRNaTE;
Yeah, Baby the Real Deal; The 'Hero Archetype'
For Real Ain't About TaKinG; It's All About Giving
As THere is
Left of Real to Receive
From Anyone Else You
Don't Already Have For Real Or Take Away;
(Of Course it Helps to Be Financially Independent)
Indeed, The (An) Experience of (An) The 'Anti-Trump'...
When "The Depth of The Story" Becomes ReaL, It's Important Enough to AcTuAlly Do...
And THeRE Are Unlimiting Ways to Do It; IF Free Dance and Song Ain't Your Cup of 'Tea
in The Sahara,'
"Stayin' Alive;"
And Even Thriving The Rest of 'YouR WayS"..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
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It means everyone wants to feel important to someone else. My nephew is 6 months old. He hasn't accomplished much, but he is very important to our family.
This is how I interpeted it too. I think most people want to feel valued and appreciated by others, whether they acknowledge it or not.
It means everyone wants to feel important to someone else. My nephew is 6 months old. He hasn't accomplished much, but he is very important to our family.
This is how I interpreted it too. I think most people want to feel valued and appreciated by others, whether they acknowledge it or not.
Certainly Carnegie says something like that, and I've no problem with that as far as it goes, but perhaps more dangerously he also advises against giving people any criticism at all, and has nothing to say on the important art of constructive criticism. I think accepting criticism helps to anchor people so their sense of their own importance doesn't get unrealistically or unfairly high.
My other suspicion comes from all those supposedly very important people he quotes as pretty much his sole way of backing up his claims. So it seems Carnegie doesn't see a problem in people being excessively revered. He expects his readers to feel like he does about that (else why present all those VIPs as his evidence?), and AFAIK never once warns against overdoing his "I appreciate and value you" gambit, except to say once that dishonest flattery can backfire because many people don't believe it. What concerns me more is the ones who do swallow too much of the medicine he tells his readers to give them, which I think is still flattery, just a more subtle kind.
going back to animal nature, which I understand better than the social constructs of people, there is a difference between predators and prey animals. Predators interactions require work as a pack, and for that they need to acknowledge one another's presence. Prey animals have herd or flock mentality where individual acknowledgement is not as important, but in each case being recognized and accepted as part of the group is important for survival. We have heard of a "Lone Wolf" , one that is outcast and travels alone. There are outcasts in herds of prey animals, too, those that by natural selection/ instinctive rejection of the herd often band together in small groups where they are accepted by their peers. Survival for most species requires interactions with others, and for that to take place individuals must be recognized and ranked according to "pecking order" or social/herd/flock status. Outcasts have always been with us, (in some cases it is us) and they sometimes follow at a distance from the pack/herd/ or flock and partake of whatever is left for feed/grazing/ from the hunt but at a distance. It seems that nature is working as it always had , and that old book just recognized one little point to focus on. People like it when you recognize them and acknowledge their presence. That is just a part of humans' animal/pack nature. I don't think there is more to it than that, the "rest of the story " is just a way to sell a book and a program for sales people.
"Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.” Samuel Johnson