JustFoundHere wrote:
The Autism Spectrum as much like "a stranger in one's own land" sentiment is "spot on."
Many NTs from non-Western countries might naturally feel like that "a stranger in one's own land" here in the States.
Video content would be geared towards overseas audiences. For example people who are sent to their Embassies in the US, or who are planning on extended stays in the States for business - hence video content geared towards audiences needing to learn more than enough "to get by!"
It would've been perfect had I've been the type of aspie who has all social motivation to ever cared and tried, and longing my entire life...
.. Which who I'm not.
Fate wasted it on someone asocial like me.

All I have to do is type "How to be an OFW and assimilate in X country".
But then, except it's not applicable in my own country.
I would have to get by with 'someone who came from another isle/region/tribe, doesn't doesn't know the specific mores and doesn't speak the local language'.