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04 Dec 2022, 7:09 am

To reach a BMI of 25 for example granted most of that weight is muscle and low body fat like 10 percent.

My question is would it take a lot of dedication, having a special diet to have a BMI of 25 with low body fat and muscle steroid free? Or can that type of body be achieved just relatively easily?


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04 Dec 2022, 7:19 am

A BMI of 25 is not hard to achieve at all.

To get the muscles and lose the fat, I guess one has to exercise…..but certainly not to an extreme degree.

10% body fat is ridiculously low. Better to go for about 15%.


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04 Dec 2022, 7:49 am

10 percent can make you look gaunt

What BMI in muscle might be more difficult to achieve?


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04 Dec 2022, 12:49 pm

Not everyone has the same genetic potential

Different people find different things "hard"


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19 Dec 2022, 9:59 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
Not everyone has the same genetic potential

Different people find different things "hard"

Yes, some people are genetically predisposed to gain weight, others not. I don't know which I am. I just happen to hyperfocus so much (originally to alleviate boredom and sensory issues) that I forget to eat for hours and hours, so I can starve myself effortlessly as long as I've got something interesting to do. Everybody's different. All you can do is try things and see what happens. There are probably lots of crafty things you can do to keep the torture down to an acceptable minimum (which in more general terms is pretty much the story of my life).


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22 Dec 2022, 4:52 pm

Would getting to 188 pounds in mostly muscle and low body fat be an impossible task for me?


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22 Dec 2022, 5:09 pm

Just do it without using steroids or whatever.

It’s not the end of the world if you don’t achieve “perfection.”

Too much steroids makes men’s penises shrivel up.


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22 Dec 2022, 5:20 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Just do it without using steroids or whatever.

It’s not the end of the world if you don’t achieve “perfection.”

Too much steroids makes men’s penises shrivel up.

Yes that’s very true


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23 Dec 2022, 5:07 pm

Hard work is only if you don't enjoy the process.
I think there is also the risk of doing exercises wrong and in wrong order, or pushing yourself too hard.

I have bad sleep habit. It takes away a lot of energy and recovery that body gets in sleep.

So the answer is it depends.

It also depends what other things you have to do to survive and essentially how much time you got left for your exercises.



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17 Jan 2023, 6:37 pm

For a normal healthy person capable of dieting and exercising its doable goal.
How hard it is depends how fast you want to achieve it.
If you say 3 years then its easy.
If 1 year id say maybe.
If 3 months like some celebrities do for movies, Id say damn hard near impossible and probably even fatal if done wrong.