I have read that is better for autistic people to have friends online, and some prefer texting to talking in person.
I'm Gen Z. It's supposed that social networks should be something I excel at. But I'm not good at chatting. When I was in high school, I tried hard to connect and make friends on Facebook. That was how my neurotypical peers made new friends. My conversations with others were something like this:
I: Hi.
Others: Hi.
I: How are you?
Others: Fine, and you?
I: Fine too. What are you doing?
... (repeat in a loop days after)
I never knew how to develop a conversation with others.
Now as an adult, I don't like chatting. I don't know how to start and keep a conversation online. I don't like being on my phone for hours thinking about what to reply to. I don't reply to most of the messages I receive.
I have known many people in person, but I don't develop a friendship because I'm not capable of keep talking in a chat.
I prefer to talk in person because that's a way I can force myself to talk with others. In person, I can't escape easily. In person, I feel the obligation to keep the interaction until both of us agree to leave. But in-person relationships are exhausting.
It seems that I want to have friends, but I don't want to deal with them.
I'm a diagnosed Aspie and ADHDer.