When my older sister got married, her husband was ok, then he changed, he drank, he was alcoholic, I think he still is. I was living on my own for 6 years before my mom died, then I moved back into my mom house, my sister was living there with her teenage son, she was separated from her husband, almost a year later, my nephew became so out of control, depression, skipping school & a VERY BAD BEHAVIOR, he had bad behavior with his mother (my sister) Anyway my brother-in-law moved into my mom’s house with me, my sister & their son, he helped take care of him, my sister couldn’t handle him. She said to me if her husband acts bad toward me, her & my nephew or my sister dog, she will kick him out of the house, she lied to me,he was very bad, he became drunk, he was in jail, my sister bailed him out It was VERY HARD living with my sister & her husband, he continued to drink, he wasn’t nice to me, he even made fun of me, he tried to set me up by making me crazy, cuz he was drinking, he hid his beer bottles, my sister was away, he talked to her on phone & lied to her, I found the beer bottles. It was a NIGHTMARE living with my sister & her CRAZY stupid husband.