The dead literally are harassed less than I; forced to drink

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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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18 May 2023, 10:08 am

I could seriously barely believe when I made this natural comparison, but there was this person who's been dead for 3 years, and during that time something similar happened to her and myself, the turning off of hot water (but, of course, being dead I doubt it was needed)... I've been without it for 2 months now, but guess what... as opposed to the dead person, who merely sat in her chair rotting away, with no one else to bother (not that it would make a difference, but...) - apparently, months without hot water for me isn't enough, now they're obsessed once again, after they did it again last year but somehow didn't in the end, to make me homeless again... I just can't bear this... for s**t's sake, even the dead person had a home for 3 years. I'm getting desperate and drinking for now (despite hating alcohol... hangover I had two days ago was so bad, but I'm practically forced to drink now, and I ended up buying lots more bottles in case I am totally destroyed and wouldn't mind finishing off the job...) - funniest thing is that *supposedly* it's because of the state of my house (but no, it's really because they hate me, and for some reason this specific guy who keeps harassing me looks like Putin, so that's 'awesome')... so, what I did in the last year is fill up rubbish bags... but absolutely kept them inside, as I goddamn knew this was going to happen... and the last thing they're going to have if I'm homeless is a clean house! But, seriously, I'm so f****d, last year I could barely concentrate on anything when this happened, so that is a foregone conclusion now too... all I keep thinking about is murder and death, but mostly fear...


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18 May 2023, 10:20 am

So, what are you going to DO about it? I doubt drinking ever did anything to solve a problem.


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19 May 2023, 3:20 pm

If you're filling up the house with rubbish they have a good reason to evict you.
You need to be proactive and get the place cleaned up.

It's like I'm sleepwalking

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19 May 2023, 3:44 pm

What part of "fill up rubbish bags" isn't clear?


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19 May 2023, 3:55 pm

The part where you filled up rubbish bags (with rubbish, I presume) and left them in the house.
And you have been doing this for a year.
That indicates that your house must contain a lot of rubbish.
Maybe you should clarify.

It's like I'm sleepwalking

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19 May 2023, 4:14 pm

1. Drink will exacerbate the situation not improve it.
2. I can't imagine what a bunch of black bags filled with rubbish look and smell like.
They would not want to throw you out for no reason at all. But always seek practical alternatives and get some treatment even if you have to be committed to a hospital for the sake of your mental health.

The fact that one resembles Putin: is this relevant to anything?

Why is a trailer behind a car but ahead of a movie?

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Blue Jay
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19 May 2023, 8:22 pm

Raleigh, you seriously think there's no difference between rubbish all over and rubbish in bags? You've no idea until you have it all around you...

And I said why I'm keeping them, BECAUSE IT'S MY DAMN INSURANCE! What else would be perfect for people who hate me? To get rid of me *and* a clean house, and there's no way in hell they're getting the latter. But, by all means, keep misunderstanding and tell me how I should actually incentivize them to destroy me... with regards to the smell, I'm not sure as I'm kind of used to it... but it's certainly better to have rubbish in bags than outside. And, sure, alcohol won't magically resolve anything, but not sure what it exacerbates besides hangovers, and even then it seems it only happens initially... I just can't do anything but use it until all this nonsense stops... I don't if or when, because so far it seems like it happened for decades, one thing to another (went from parents destroying my life to council doing that... so, yay)... if and when no one harasses me anymore, though, I certainly won't need alcohol... it's just so awful to be practically forced to drink. Not like I do it 'socially' or for any pleasure... and, his resembles doesn't really matter, but coincidentally he started harassing me as the war began, so in my mind it's just connected...


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19 May 2023, 11:46 pm

sodepressed wrote:
I could seriously barely believe when I made this natural comparison, but there was this person who's been dead for 3 years, and during that time something similar happened to her and myself, the turning off of hot water (but, of course, being dead I doubt it was needed)... I've been without it for 2 months now, but guess what... as opposed to the dead person, who merely sat in her chair rotting away, with no one else to bother (not that it would make a difference, but...) - apparently, months without hot water for me isn't enough, now they're obsessed once again, after they did it again last year but somehow didn't in the end, to make me homeless again... I just can't bear this... for s**t's sake, even the dead person had a home for 3 years. I'm getting desperate and drinking for now (despite hating alcohol... hangover I had two days ago was so bad, but I'm practically forced to drink now, and I ended up buying lots more bottles in case I am totally destroyed and wouldn't mind finishing off the job...) - funniest thing is that *supposedly* it's because of the state of my house (but no, it's really because they hate me, and for some reason this specific guy who keeps harassing me looks like Putin, so that's 'awesome')... so, what I did in the last year is fill up rubbish bags... but absolutely kept them inside, as I goddamn knew this was going to happen... and the last thing
:P they're going to have if I'm homeless is a clean house! But, seriously, I'm so f****d, last year I could barely concentrate on anything when this happened, so that is a foregone conclusion now too... all I keep thinking about is murder and death, but mostly fear...

Reduce your alcohol intake, do it gradually if you have Delirium Tremens. If you have anything that allows you to relax or clear your head do it routinely, whether you go for a walk on weekends or a certain time of day etc.. Alcohol is the worst drug. Use Cannabis as a substitute and stay away from anything or anyone who you think contributes to your alcohol consumption.


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20 May 2023, 12:38 am

RandoNLD wrote:
sodepressed wrote:
I could seriously barely believe when I made this natural comparison, but there was this person who's been dead for 3 years, and during that time something similar happened to her and myself, the turning off of hot water (but, of course, being dead I doubt it was needed)... I've been without it for 2 months now, but guess what... as opposed to the dead person, who merely sat in her chair rotting away, with no one else to bother (not that it would make a difference, but...) - apparently, months without hot water for me isn't enough, now they're obsessed once again, after they did it again last year but somehow didn't in the end, to make me homeless again... I just can't bear this... for s**t's sake, even the dead person had a home for 3 years. I'm getting desperate and drinking for now (despite hating alcohol... hangover I had two days ago was so bad, but I'm practically forced to drink now, and I ended up buying lots more bottles in case I am totally destroyed and wouldn't mind finishing off the job...) - funniest thing is that *supposedly* it's because of the state of my house (but no, it's really because they hate me, and for some reason this specific guy who keeps harassing me looks like Putin, so that's 'awesome')... so, what I did in the last year is fill up rubbish bags... but absolutely kept them inside, as I goddamn knew this was going to happen... and the last thing
:P they're going to have if I'm homeless is a clean house! But, seriously, I'm so f****d, last year I could barely concentrate on anything when this happened, so that is a foregone conclusion now too... all I keep thinking about is murder and death, but mostly fear...

Reduce your alcohol intake, do it gradually if you have Delirium Tremens. If you have anything that allows you to relax or clear your head do it routinely, whether you go for a walk on weekends or a certain time of day etc.. Alcohol is the worst drug. Use Cannabis as a substitute and stay away from anything or anyone who you think contributes to your alcohol consumption.

^ Yeah, I have used alcohol to self medicate, but it does not actually help it can feel like it does in the moment but in the long run it doesn't, just makes you feel a little better while drunk but after that it is not much help.

We won't go back.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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21 May 2023, 3:18 am

I only, like, began last Tuesday, I'm certainly not addicted to it, nor am I presumably likely to have long-term effects until this obsessed harasser will literally do it every day for the next decade, but if that happened then he'd either have succeeded in destroying my life, in which case alcohol certainly doesn't need to do it (and thc is useful, but mostly for creativity, not to dampen my anxiety), or I conclude that he's just some real-life troll who's never actually doing it (he did, after all, back off last year... BUT FOR s**t'S SAKE WHY AM I DESTINED FOR PERPETUAL HARASSMENT?! I LITERALLY HAVE NO OTHER INTERACTION WITH HUMANS EXCEPT WHEN THEY HARASS ME!)

I'm psychologically... dissolving. I tried contacting a councillor... if they'd ever, in a million years, help anyone actually, as last time I tried for a different issue they actually mocked me over being noise sensitive... and I'm thinking tomorrow I'm going to phone a bunch of people and show them how desperate I am, and... beg them to help me or something. I just cannot believe this harassment seems legal! (Then again, humans are so horrid police regularly kill people in usa and in uk they seem to have developed a habit of killing dogs, so what's a little torture, I suppose...)