goldfish21 wrote:
They don't bother my eyes at all that I've noticed.. and when the defective ones start failing and they turn purple it looks super cool.
The lights that bother me for being blindingly bright are the ridiculous LED lights on new trucks & SUV's. They're so bright I can't see s**t when they come up close behind me at night.. combine that with some dickhead driver that wants to tailgate me and try to get my to drive faster and I end up just slowing down because their lights are so bright in my rear view mirror that they're impairing my vision and I have to slow down in order to navigate the road as I can't see nearly as well. F off with the ultra bright lights already on new trucks/SUVs FFS. They sit high up and blast right in your eyes.. gotta flip the rear view mirror to try to see again.. and can't use the side view mirrors. Dumb f***s probably get mad as hell when I slow down, but f**k them if they can't figure out why.
At least drivers aren't all rolling with loaded guns here like South of the border. Worst they're gonna do is honk for getting held up a few seconds until they can pass.
I agree that headlights on vehicles are way too bright. As for your other comment there are lots of guns in Canada, people are just not as open to talking about it here.