I have had to repress most of my emotions since I was a teenager, for fear of getting my fat a$$ beaten to a pulp, whether it be by my so-called Friends, or by family.
I’m pretty much numb most of the time, unless 1) I’m performing a piece of music, or listening to some music that definitely hits me like a ton of bricks, or I get to remembering certain canine companions I’ve owned in the past, particularly a Shetland sheepdog that was on my lap every time I sat in one of the easy chairs in the living room (Mom had to put her down, due to cancer, 2 week after we buried Dad from cancer of the liver. This dog was the only thing Dad and I had in common. The only other thing that would set me off was a basset hound Mom owned (or rather, the basset owned us). That dog was a master manipulator. She had me pegged as a sap the second she laid eyes upon me.
I’ve been having these loneliness issues when I think about those dogs. I’ve been trying to get an appointment with UPMC psychological regarding the issues I’ve been having, among other things, like the nightmare I frequently have about this girl trying to get me to have sex with her when we were teenagers. (Which is part of the reason I can’t sleep at night.)
I’m addition, my parents, as well as my brothers, strongly believe in the adage “Money isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. I’ve gotten my fat a$$ beaten by my parents because I could never hold on to a buck.
Any reason I really don’t feel anything?