ASPartOfMe wrote:
Outsider Opinion:
What the article did not mention is the price of a private assessment going up. With a rapidly increasing demand for private assessments, private practitioner's must be raising their prices. This means more and more people will not be able to afford private assessments, meaning even more people going through the NHS, longer waits and more triaging. That would mean going backwoods to a time where autistics who have jobs, are in relationships etc won’t be assessed by the NHS and private practitioners who don’t have endless time.
Even the crash program that is needed has to take time to implement and comes with all the pitfalls rush jobs do.
What am I missing?
Successive UK gov have failed to keep up NHS spending in line with population growth
That as well as people living longer puts more demand on things.
There was a news article recently the NHS waiting list stands at approx 7.5 million (all conditions). Baring this in mind UK population is 67 million.
As Lunella stated the gov only respect the diagnosis from certain selected private clinics.
These act as gov contractors rather than the kind of truly independent clinics that operate in the US, so they are almost a kind of fast track NHS approved service that you have to pay for.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernie Shaw