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19 Aug 2023, 9:45 am

What are some examples in your life, of favortism or nepotism?

For example: a parent loves one child more than the other and wastes more cash on that child. A boss has sex with an employee and promotes the employee to assistant manager. a teacher gives higher grades to a student that the teacher likes.


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Joined: 13 Sep 2011
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22 Aug 2023, 9:33 am

I used to work at a warehouse as a part of an employment program for adults with disabilities. Meanwhile, the warehouse was a business that was owned by a family. The owner of that company seemed to hire family members and friends of the family. One of my former co-workers, who was a part of the program also was a friend of that family. Though they kept him down in a lot of ways, he had more privileges. For instance, he was paid more money.
In addition, if one her favored co-workers had life changing event, she spoiled them with expensive gifts and other events at restaurants.

On the other they were treated better because fit a perfect mold and had small minds. All of us outsiders were crazy, not all there, etc., were not treated very well. For instance, I am very outspoken and straight forward and they didn't like that. They also had a problem with me because I wouldn't accept their ideas about all adults with disabilities. When it came to me celebrating some accomplishments of my own, the boss and the rest of the company stuck their noses up at them. The boss couldn't care less that she refused to get my cards and gifts. Instead, she threw a tantrum in front of my job coach for telling other people how I felt.

Then about 30 years ago, I attended an intermediate school where the teachers pulled me away from my Phy Ed class so I could attend this life skills class for people with disabilities. Anyway, I participated in field day and did two activities. However, everyone who participated in the 50 meter dash got a ribbon but me. I was so heart broken but my 5th grade class were very supportive and made me some ribbons out of paper instead.