We Boomers are gonna hafta learn to expect...our musical idols (classic rock era stars of the Seventies) to start dropping like flies. Like the Late Gary Wright, and the late Jimmy Buffet.
But it is still a bit jarring when younger generation idols kick the bucket as well...like Coolio, or like the lead singer of Smashmouth.
I still remember when the first rock star died of "natural causes":Fifties' star Bill Haley of "the Comets" (died at 52) in the Seventies, and little later Bob Marley died of mulitple cancers at only 35. Then there werent any deaths like that for a long time. Only untimely deaths of rock idols due to plane crashes, car crashes, motorcycle crashes, gunshot, or drug overdoses. But now (more or less) "natural" causes are catching up to our idols in their, and our, old age. Like the movie "the Big Chill".