I would be cautious about self-diagnosing and try to speak to a professional.
Having said that, could it be Borderline Personality Disorder?
-A pattern of severe mood changes over hours or days
-Extreme anger and problems controlling anger
-Strong, up-and-down relationships with family and friends that can go quickly from very close to anger and hatred
-Extreme fear of and reactions to abandonment, and extreme behaviors to avoid abandonment
-A rapidly changing sense of self that can cause sudden changes in goals, values, or behaviors
-Feeling disconnected from themselves, their body, or reality, or having paranoid thoughts
-Ongoing feelings of emptiness
-Self-destructive behaviors, such as substance use or misuse, binge eating, unsafe sex with multiple partners, unsafe driving, or reckless spending
-Suicide attempts or self-harming behavior, such as cutting, hair pulling, or burning
The symptoms of BPD may look like other medical conditions or problems. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.
Bolding is mine. Source:
https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/ ... y-disorder