Jakki wrote:
Sometimes locating Aspies that have the ability to be supportive, can be hard to discern or discover

on this here
wrong planet

...It is a big planet .

When one toxic individual gets on one's nerves, it tends to backfire as though 100% of individuals I've interacted with have. When it occurs multiple times, it becomes more of a nightmare to recover from, and hence you suspect it in everyone. I find it difficult to post anything positive, supportive, contributory/whatever.
I think I missed what your predicament was. But I had a look at your post, and noticed a mention of letting one's guard down, which enabled this to amount to an opportunity for some surplus to take advantage of you.
I too have a habit of ignoring the subtleties, and only reacting when it seems crucial, including in regards to my own health. There's no point attempting to discuss things with me, because I'll just end up being negative no matter what, with near nothing to offset this. But at least you, and other members who might read this venting thread are aware. I wish I could find the cause. But support seems to be minimal here in Australia, due to the fact that nobody has any in depth understanding of folks with Aspergers, undiagnosed ADHD, and ABI combined. It is a living hell. If you don't tick all of these boxes, be proud of yourself, and try and make the most of your existence whilst you still can.