When I saw the subject of this post, "Don't Watch TV?", I thought it was referring to watching recorded images. Stream services, paid and free, YouTube, Cable, Satellite, free over the air broadcasts are all recorded moving images. So I thought "Ah! Here is a post about recorded audio, whether that be news, music, plays, podcasts." I thought that because I was literally just revisiting a site for the CBS Radio Mystery Theater and I was wondering where on Wrong Planet we post stuff like that? Whether it is viewed on a monitor with a computer decoding and displaying the content, or a television where a signal is decoded by a built in computer and displayed on technology not unlike that of a monitor, it is all the same. Only the creation source of the recorded signal is different.
There are people that do not watch television, or streaming content. My ex-wife for instance. She has watched television, but day to day, she doesn't. She doesn't own a television and sometimes she doesn't own a computer. I'm not sure if she has a computer now or not. I don't think she does, because she recently used our oldest son's computer to do some online stuff.
Anyway, this is Television, Film, and Video does not cover radio or more generally audio media. I will keep looking, although it may be a waste of time. (I'm in a grumpy mood. Sorry.)
I have to say that I've enjoyed reading about the BBC here. It was interesting.
Last edited by pcgoblin on 31 Oct 2023, 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.