1. I
2. like
3. making
4. lists.
I have been known to leave random lists around my work place to see how people react when they look at them. I have also kept a small laminated list with a few generic items in my wallet and when the rare event of someone saying they feel listless occurs, I pull the list out and hand it to them without a word. Sometimes I have been known to lead things a bit, like if someone merely mentions being tired or run-down, I'll ask it they feel listless. If they agree, then I produce the list.
But yes in general making lists to me is similar to making collections which is kind of like breathing.
Broader autism cluster (Aspie) score: 139 of 200 Your neurotypical score: 60 of 200
Aspie Quiz (v5) 155 of 200 .. AQ 48 . Detailed Aspie Quotient for adults 1,540 out of 2,200 (70%)
RAADS-R Total 192 of 240 Social Problems 91 Circumscribed Interests 42 Language 19 Sensory Motor 40
Meyer-Briggs: INTP Comorbidities: Narcolepsy, NFLE, Alexithemia, Dyspraxia, Prosopagnosia, Anomia, IBS
........................If God meant for us to go around naked, we'd have been born that way........................