There can be an auditory delay that makes us seem kind of slow, this is especially the case if we're already tired and stressed, My reaction time is generally somewhere between -2 seconds and 2 seconds, but when I'm exhausted and stressed, it can be closer to a half minute between when somebody asks something and when I can actually respond.
There can also be learning disorders and the like that make it take longer than it would for NTs, not to mention that in some cases, it's just a longer trip to get the information that was requested.
autisticelders wrote:
each of us has differently developed neurology, so the answer to your question could be yes, we all have sensory processing struggles but most of us will be slow in different ways from each other. Every one of us is different!
I am slow when I interact with anybody in 'real time" because my processing just can't keep up, but give me a book or a written article, or anything in print and not moving or spoken, and I test at genius levels for comprehension and communication.
It all depends on the uneven development of our neurology, and which struggles we might have.
I think the auditory processing delay and limited working memory are probably the most common ones that lead to that, even for those of us that can be extremely quick witted at times. Obviously YMMV.