Driving towards
It puzzles me as to how motorists are expected to maintain awareness of their surroundings and immediate dangers unimpeded when driving with the sun in their face. This image was created years ago when I noticed a contrast in light sensitvity between NTs and myself, despite the fact that I haven't yet managed to view anything from another person's body. It was never meant to be looked at whilst above the horizon. It rises and sets every day.
This is one of my unanswered 'why' questions. Another one relates to the shooting ranges which are also known as single lane roads. Why is it acceptable to have two vehicles passing 1 metre apart at over 55MPH in an open space? It is so unsafe, and it contributes towards head on collisions, as well as similar incidents.
There is so much emphasis on road safety. Possibly due to this problem being well known. Yet it will never be addressed. It is even more absurd at night, with high beams from an oncoming vehicle approaching making it near impossible to make anything out. The retinas are not set up to handle this. So why force it on motorists on these unnecessarily dangerous roads? Collisions will continue to occur, with folks being none the wiser.
Last edited by TT1660 on 07 Oct 2023, 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
Age: 42
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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
1. I'm not sure what your first "Why?" question is because you never wrote it ????? There is legit not a question written before you go into your second one. As for the bright sun overhead, that's why cars have sun visors to flip down and block the bright like so you can better see the road ahead of you when there's direct sunlight messing with your vision.
2. 1m distance apart when passing in opposite directions is not unsafe At All. 2 objects 1m apart at any speed are not going to collide.. due to the 1m distance between their trajectories. That's why there are lines painted on the road and rules dictating which side of the line you're to drive/ride on. You're supposed to drive like --------------- not like ~~~~~~~~~~~~, so once you learn how to drive safely it's really no big deal. If you cannot manage to operate a vehicle within the lines of a road then you shouldn't be driving at all and should invest in a good pair of walking shoes & a bus pass and leave driving to people who can drive. (Never ever heard of a single lane road being called a shooting range.. but then again, I don't live in gun country.)
3. New ultra bright LED headlights are so bright they should be illegal - even in regular driving non-high beam mode, and especially on trucks/suv's that are high up and blind drivers in front. I find myself still getting blinded even when I flip the rear view mirror to the position where everything is darker and lights are less bright, especially due to light in my driver's side mirror. Very annoying. I'll change lanes if possible, but sometimes all I can do is slow down and weave a bit to try to dodge the light. f*****g brutal. Then those as*holes behind me think they're going to get me to speed up/go faster than the speed limit by tailgating me.. F off, I can't see you f*****g f**k. One of these days I can foresee putting my hazard lights on and just gradually slowing to a stop, getting out and telling them what they're doing and to back the f**k off so I can even drive away.*
*Unless I am in the USA. Then I'd probably get shot and killed. But here at home there's a very low chance.

Just for the purpose of inserting 'why' essentially. IE why are folks expected to proceed at 100kph with limited visibility?
Guess what. I'm not driving anyway. This just arose from my observations. Cars are essentially bullets hurdling in opposite directions, missing each other by the tiniest gap. You might have noticed a very subtle tremor near you sometime last year. That was literally when I was behind the wheel for about 40 minutes.
Regarding your last paragraph:
Make them even brighter, and untilted is the solution. Most headlights are tilted slightly to reduce visionary difficulties when driving.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
Age: 42
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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
While 100kmh is pretty typical highway speed, it’s not exactly “fast,” for cars. 1m apart while passing is plenty of room at 100kmh. No need to be that close in front/behind though, but beside 1m is plenty.
Land Rover has a high tech solution for their high beams. (Not sure about low) Apparently the lights are made up of arrays of hundreds or thousands of tiny lights and they have some sort of optical detection technology to sense the cars around them and then are programmed to turn off the lights that would shine on cars and leave only the ones on that illuminate the road & foreground in the distance, eliminating blinding oncoming cars & drivers in front of you. But I bet those headlights cost like 10 grand a piece or something ridiculous.

So lets break the issue down.. ( snickers and giggles) we need to go bak to the old days .. everyone using candles
for headlights...If you cant see far ahead , with a candle..not sensible to drive fast, if you wish to arrive safely at where your going ?
( besides lights used to be measured by how many candlepower they were)? i think?
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
for headlights...If you cant see far ahead , with a candle..not sensible to drive fast, if you wish to arrive safely at where your going ?

( besides lights used to be measured by how many candlepower they were)? i think?
Candles are good for viewing immediate surroundings. But tend to lose their effectiveness at anything more distant than the length of any disgusting body. Apologies for the misspelling (?). 96% spell it loose.
If you want to conceal your identity a little more, you could try a peek hole instead of a windscreen, like found in many doors. But it only takes a tiny bit of dust to build up, and your uninhibited view is obstructed to the point where one literally cannot make out the road at all. It's not 'hard to see the road'. It's bloody impossible, when there is something in your way.
If folks are really serious about arriving safely, then 5MPH is probably the safest speed. If you toss your significant other (WTF are they?) out the window, then you'll have to catch up. Even if you leave xxx Street today, and arrive the destination that is 12kms away next week, due to an underperforming slow bus, you'll still be ok. If you miss it, you just start crawling on your hands, and you'll catch up.
It's sometimes less of a PITA to literally have no idea who you're (again, I misspelt) talking to. There's a sense of freedom, until they appear in your face, and you go uh-oh.... or hel-lo..... or far-xxxx