auntblabby wrote:
bee33 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
when people ask me how'm i doin' i usually reply that "i'm surviving." that's an example of telling an incomplete truth that is palatable to most folks. i don't believe many folks at all can handle the truth.
I think it's better than saying "I'm fine" if you're not. I usually say "I'm hanging in there" when I am not fine, or "I'm doing okay" if I'm doing okay.
that is graceful

I always felt that saying "I'm fine" was very trite and unimaginative as well as being generally untrue, so I took to saying more witty, intelligent or honest things instead. I learned "surviving" from a fellow-scientist at work, who always used it. Other responses I've made are "about 6 out of 10," "better today than yesterday," "awful," "don't ask," "bearing up well under the circumstances," and "it's a long story." But sometimes I just say "fine," because for some reason it's a very safe response.