some precious lil "people" *truly* believe that they have a moral "right" to do whatever the flying f**k they want, and if they are not "happy" @ all times, that's "proof" someone violated their stupidass "rights".
some idiot on the bus had the nerve to pat me on the back today and scared the s**t out of me. they think it's "friendly" touching, but not everyone defines "friendly" the same way, Coronavirus, and exaggerated startle response. s**t, i do *not* wanna imagine what would've happened if *i* were to have touched *him*. (rolls eyes). (f**k you, ass holes!).
some moron customer asked me to unlock the bathroom and i was going to do it but he had the nerve to pat me on the back and i said "can you not touch me?". I was not screaming or out of control. "get out of here, Motherf***er. i don't need you!". home depot attracts a disproportionate number of customers with felony convictions and psychiatric diagnoses. and i do not have the authority to ban them. however, the store is in the middle of a homeless encampment. it is possible for managers to ban someone, but there is no method of enforcing the ban. sometimes there is nobody @ the entrances, or just cashiers, and so many precious lil "people" go to home depot every day (and many of them look the same).