I doubt this is the "first", but one of the earliest examples was in fourth grade, I was tapping my fingers on the teacher's desk (I sat in a desk touching hers) and she blew up on me for being incredibly rude and disrespectful.
At the time I didn't understand why, but now I realize that she thought I was doing that "I'm waiting" finger tap, and she thought I was being impatient on the task she was doing.
Another one that was earlier was in kindergarten when two classmates asked me to write their name on the brick wall outside on the playground. I wrote it in pencil so I could immediately erase it after. A teacher ran up and started yelling at me for "vandalism" and "defacing school property" and I was saying "I wrote it in pencil to erase it" and that only made them more upset.
I was accused of "talking back" to adults as a kid, but didn't understand how and when that was a bad thing.
Take it easy, dude, but take it!