catpiecakebutter wrote:
When I was on the sidewalk today and some young (maybe someone in his teens or early twenties) guy in a scooter went past me, and he didn't say excuse me I called out to him "Bas****!" He didn't hear me although I know I reacted poorly. If I was more upset I maybe would have said something much worse. Do any of you react poorly to unfair situations?
I do not react well to unfair situations at all. I can get overwhelmed to the point where I have heart attack symptoms. It's not anxiety, it's just overwhelm. As far as your situation, personally, I think you reacted harshly. How do you know that he was not non speaking? He could have been. In that particular situation, you assumed that he could speak. He also doesn't have to say "excuse me" just for going past you. He would only have to say it if you were actually in his way and you were blocking him and you needed to move for him to get past or if he was so close to you that he practically brushed up on you. Can you imagine if you were walking in, say, New York city? Would you expect everyone who went past you to say excuse me to you? That would be very entitled and ridiculous. He wasn't rude unless he actually ran over you or pushed you over. If he had done that, he would have had to at the very least say excuse me. But just simply scooting past you, especially if he was at a respectable and safe distance, that is not a situation which requires him to say that. But if he did practically brush up on you than he should have said something like sorry, or excuse me and if he could not speak he should have signaled you. But if he was at a safe distance, that would not have been necessary.
Now there is one thing that you might consider. Part of my Autism is that my visual processing doesn't work correctly. I see things much bigger and much close than they are. My Autistic cousin has the same issue. The problem is that you don't know you have this issue until someone points it out to you. That is how I found out that I had it. So if you have this issue as well, you may have perceived him to be much closer to you than he actually was. That happens to me all the time. So that is definitely something to keep in mind as well.
It's totally ok if you didn't understand that and thus overreacted but if you do understand now, it will save you a lot of grief and anger in the future.
"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."
Wreck It Ralph