I love the culture, technology and advanced features of Japan very much and would like to visit. However, I'm also a gay man and depressed about the fact that gay marriage is not legal there (nationwide) yet because a bunch of guys from the older generation hold so much power in its parliament. I want to go there at some point, either for a vacation or to teach English, but only after either gay marriage or civil unions are legalized - otherwise I'd spend my entire trip fixated on the injustice and I wouldn't really enjoy it.
If I'm 29 and fairly healthy now (probably got about 50-60 years left in me), how good of a shot do I have at seeing some kind of favourable movement toward gay marriage in Japan within my lifetime? Am I going to run out of time - is it a lost cause?
I assume sooner or later the millennials and Gen Z are going to be the only ones left around to start taking power in parliament once we get into the 2040s and 2050s.