A_Metal_Pipe wrote:
But yeah, I saw everything G4 had to offer. Including every special and random short. I miss it, but I’m glad it ended. Seasons 8 and 9 were starting to show the cracks of being too long running, I wouldn’t want it to drag on forever and become something like The Simpsons or Spongebob.
I totally agree--we always have G4 ponies on in the background, and I am noticing some serious plot holes appearing in the later seasons! What were your thoughts on the G4 movie? I think it took place between season 7 and 8. I'd say this is a big example of a plot hole--I was so mad that Celestia and Luna made such a big deal about moving the sun/moon in the movie, and refused to move the sun/moon for Twilight's festival! In season 9 they gave her an emblem to let her move the sun and moon, and gave her NO instructions on how to use it (so the sun and moon were going cray in the sky).
With feral regards,