Summer_Twilight wrote:
Have you ever been guilty about laughing at things in movies that no one else finds funny?
My examples:
1. In Return of the Jedi, when Luke took is his light saber which not only cut the speeder in half but it went spinning into a tree.
2. In the last Unicorn when the skeleton says, "Give me the wine"
3. There was a scene in Forrest Gump when he put he hands on his hips after Jenny turned him down
I really wish I could remember those instances. It has happened at home and in the theater. I know in the instances you list for Return of the Jedi and Forrest Gump, you laughed at things that were not intended to be funny, but I can see why you found them funny.
Things I laugh at, that were not intended to be funny, sometimes suggests something not intended. For instance on Mister Roger's Neighborhood, Mr. McFeely (Speedy Delivery) stops by in the last two episodes I've seen, and in one he brings a tape for Mr. Rogers. They were interesting tapes, but I found it funny because I briefly though
Does he have his own porn delivery service for some of the other people in the neighborhood? I found this thought funny. Cynical, but funny. FYI - The first tape was about things changing over time. The second tape showed the show's crew building the set for Mr. Roger's home. I enjoyed them.
If I find something that is funny, that was not intended to be funny. I'll post it here.
(watching Mr. Rogers on the Mister Rogers channel on Pluto TV. He's fixing a toilet now. What a great show.)