I keep a pad and pen by the computer and whenever I want to remember something in particular which I have been reading or studying, I write it down. I definitely process the written word much better than anything I hear or see, so writing something down is the way I repeat the information in its most digestible form so the information is sure to "stick" in my memory. I have saved all my note pads and when I go through the ones from the years past, I see a lot of disjointed blurbs of information but I generally remember what each one is about, (not addresses or phone numbers or numbers written down such as those order numbers or confirmation numbers you get when transacting business on line). So it seems to work for me! I learned how to take notes in 7th grade, I can remember which teacher and which class, what the subject was that he taught. Funny that I can remember where and how I learned so many things... or is it? (that's another subject completely)