Lampipe wrote:
I dream a ton, including lucid dreaming.
From my understanding, scientists think everybody dreams, just not everyone remembers them.
I would know if I actually dreamed or not, whether I can recall it or not.
The most glaring sign for me is that it's more pleasant sleep than my "usual".
My "usual" is just lying down with my eyes closed and still awake -- and there are no hallucinations or dream like sensations.
And waking up very groggy and uncomfortable in my own body.
I get non-physical sensations and feelings whenever I dream, usually in my head after waking up, including feeling my head well rested and more comfortable than stressed and heavy.
Whenever I recall a dream, it always has a comfortable feel in my head -- even waking from nightmares.
Even during those very brief and weird moments of sleepiness at a busy day...
Yeah, I can suddenly fall asleep out of the blue and dream. Likely because my head was in a weird phase of sleep either too quickly or while awake. Most of it because of my reactions to hormones.
I can very much assume the same if I can't remember my dreams.
No comfortable sensation after waking up meant no dreams; just a stressed out body, likely an unconsciously interrupted sleep or a sleep that refuses to go through stages due to breathing issues or anything sensory.