Fenn wrote:
Mother’s milk is often the best thing for a baby, a mother’s body can even react to needs of the baby. Bottle feeding may result in the baby swallowing air, this is something else to read up on, and maybe change bottles or bottle nipples.
This is very true. I also wanted to add that, it's possible for breastfed infants to swallow a lot of air, too (my kids had this problem, because I had an overactive milk ejection reflex and overproduction issues). So burp those babies, regardless!
Fenn wrote:
Unhappy babies may have an earache or a sore bottom or may just need to be held. Talking to other moms here is probably the best bet.
These are great points, especially the one I highlighted. It's completely normal for babies to want to be held nearly 24 hours a day. I used a sling (proper positioning is critical so that Baby doesn't suffocate), but there are a lot of babywearing options out there, for those high-need little ones who need more Mama Time.