So, I feel like a lot of the time that I have higher empathy towards animals the humans. If a friend's parent dies, I don't really feel anything, I'll try to make them feel better, but my efforts wont have the intended effect. Whereas, when I see a bird with a broken bone or such, I'll try to gently approach it as I call animal control. When I am introduced to a new person, I have a tendency to only ask things that I'm interested in. I remember vividly one time at the gorilla exbibit at a zoo, one of the gorillas was hiding under a blanket, rocking back and forth, holding her baby, No one else betted an eye, there were over 20 people there, and they where all laughing and talking, but I had to go over to the side for like 20 minutes. That was probably the biggest emotional reaction that I had that year, I was f*****g hysterical, over a being that wasn't even my own species. I have cried when people close to me die, but never when they were in a sad situation. I was wondering it this is an Autism/Asperger's thing or just me being odd.