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02 Dec 2024, 2:47 pm

The World Bank estimates that, globally, disasters caused by natural hazards cost an annual $520 billion in consumption loss – human and economic losses. That's 60 percent larger than the asset losses that are commonly reported. For the business world, disasters matter for a string of reasons.

To explain Australian economy is suffering and in turn trades less with the UK, so there are so many factors affecting the recession and to just blame Russia is unfair.

Germany also occupied many work sectors for very long time with no consideration for other countries, their sudden downfall doesn't erase for some the view that Germany isn't a favourable trade partner for future and has a lot of work to do to fix this broken image for countries who battled all these years.

But mostly the UK is pointing fire at Russia without considering what causes had impact on economic downturn. Saudi Arabia was flooded, and suddenly their economy dropped.

It is foolish to think bombing Russia is going to fix this. ... an-economy

The above link gives overview of Australia as an example without political issues such as USA. It outlines impact on families, losses and consumer market. From this report it can identify how much of recession is due to various other factors.


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03 Dec 2024, 4:22 pm

Why isn't Putin public enemy number 1 in trumps game?

The cost of natural disasters in the United States has been increasing, with the total cost of billion-dollar disasters exceeding $100 billion in five of the last six years:
2023: A record number of weather and climate disasters, including flooding that caused almost $7 billion in damages
2022: 18 billion-dollar weather and climate disasters, costing over $165 billion
2017: Hurricane Harvey cost $155 billion
2012: Hurricane Sandy cost $85.9 billion
The cost of natural disasters can include:
Property damage and destruction of infrastructure
Business interruption
Loss of jobs
Reduced tourism
Losses to natural capital or environmental degradation
Mental or physical healthcare related costs
The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) at NOAA tracks and evaluates climate events that have economic and societal impacts. They use a methodology that includes:
Workshops with economic experts
Consulting partners to examine data sources and methodology
Reanalysis of loss data to correct biases

Kamala isn't messing up the economy, so of course immigrants are a targeted issue but the debts are pulling up, and BRICS or Putin isn't the main concern, it's the weather!! !

Guy Frowny
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06 Dec 2024, 4:59 pm

I've been thinking a lot about this lately. it's not going to be long before climate change is going to make life a lot harder for those who depend on the Colorado River and others for industry, irrigation, and drinking water. other big rivers, too obvs, and it's going to be worse the further downstream you go. California is not going to be an agriculture powerhouse in 20 years.

migration of millions of people to cooler and wetter places within countries like the US and Canada is going to cause the same kind of problem as we are seeing from external migrants. which is to say, some legitimate issues, but mostly people freaking out and being hostile, like they were to the "Okies", for example.

eventually, people are going to fight over water, just like they have in the past. gonna be ugly. also I expect the US to either withdraw or just (continue to) ignore the 1909 and 1986 treaties.
