Aspie authors writing social interaction
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My Short Story "Pieces of Truth" (Part 3)
Annoyed, are you? Well, just because Alice and I haven’t seen each other since that awful day.
In fact, we were almost victims too just because we tried way too hard to keep them safe.
Bravery?! Alice and I weren’t being brave, we were doing the right thing but of course it was in vain. Ironically, Alice and I both believed we caused it, but even more strangely no one spoke to us in the aftermath.
Of course, I’m being truthful, but just because I’m the only one telling this story doesn’t mean you must enjoy imagining your world where you must enjoy finding the truth about things that may mean nothing after you finish reading this tale of love lost and found, the past haunting people for things that should stay in the past, or anything of the sort.
Alice and I didn’t cause their demises, someone else did.
Their names were Daisy and Sam. They were two classmates we knew when Alice and I were kids.
Now returning to present-day, after talking with my boss Tom, he allowed me to have some vacation time with Alice. As much as he wanted to hire Alice, Alice said no because she already has a job working as a garden department employee at a popular hardware store near her house.
Alice and I checked ourselves at a hotel that had a great, elegant view of a large body of water that attracts many visitors primarily during the spring season and still does to this day.
Was where we spent some time together similar to the place where it happened?
Nope, not even close.
After putting our belongings near the window of our room, we looked at each other without saying anything.
She kissed me on my lips and I reciprocated.
We then noticed two envelopes on the lampstand next to our bed. One had my name on it and the other had Alice’s name on it.
We took the envelopes and opened them to see what was in them.
Our feelings changed from the bliss of being together without anyone bothering us to feeling creeped out as to what was in the envelopes.
Letters, one to me and one to Alice.
The letter to me was: “Hello David. This is Daisy speaking. I hope this letter finds you well. Ever since that day where you and Alice would have been victims too, I have been following you whenever I had time and now that we’re older, I will trick you into meeting me at a place where I will humiliate you emotionally. Need I say more? Probably. Sam and I have been ordering gifts and cards to send to you. You and Alice will always be viewed as betrayers of us. I would appreciate it if you and Alice have a conversation to stop yourselves. Looking forward to hearing from you, Daisy.”
“Daisy” left a pair of phone numbers.
The letter written to Alice was: “Hello Alice. This is Sam speaking. I hope this letter finds you well just as much as the letter Daisy wrote to David. This is not a joke even though in quite a few plans in the past we tried finding you and David, we had to work our plans as detailed as possible. Daisy and I have been following you and David using all the stops with some help of course, but we will not disclose who has been helping us. Now that we’re adults, Sam and I will keep contacting you and David until the two of you agree to meet us at a place where we should try and catch up on old times. Need I repeat myself? Likely even though Daisy and I will continue to send the two of you gifts and cards. You and David betrayed us on that day. We saw you and David arrive and I have to admit that the two of you are great together as a couple. I would appreciate it if you and David have a conversation to try and break up in part because of me and Daisy. Looking forward to hearing from you, Sam.”
Alice and I did not know why her letter was much longer than mine, but the person claiming to be “Sam” left contact information just like the person claiming to be “Daisy.”
Alice and I put the letters back in the envelopes and tried as best as we could to try and wipe it off as nothing more than an elaborate prank pulled off by some of the employees even though it wasn’t.
The next day, Alice and I hiked along a popular path and tried not to think about the letters as we engaged in conversation.
“When do you think you’ll complete your degree requirements, David and what’s your major?”
“I’m an English major and have been looking for work in journalism.”
“Maybe you could end up on TV at some point in the future.”
“I don’t know about that even though it wouldn’t surprise me if I am on TV and people who I’ve met over the years trying to come back into my world.”
“I’m a linguistics major and would be okay with people from my past coming back to haunt me. If I find myself employment of a linguistics firm, then... I’ll possibly become a professor of linguistics such as ASL or Spanish.”
Suddenly, my cell phone buzzed. Alice’s cell phone buzzed almost immediately. Alice saw it was a text message. I also saw it was a text message on my phone. We both expressed shock.
Alice shouted, “What the hell is happening?!”
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!
I tend to write spontaneous friendships a lot. I'm a very open minded person. I struggle with boundaries in real life. I'm always open to talking to people if I feel comfortable. It's gotten me into trouble before. I have a lot of empathy and I always struggle when I cannot help people. My writing always got bad grades cause of grammar. I struggle with grammar a lot.

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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I've noticed the late, great Cormac McCarthy hadn't been an ace at grammar, either.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Joined: 23 Nov 2006
Age: 35
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My Short Story "Pieces of Truth" (Part 4)
I am currently trying to finish the next part and this part is an "edited version."
Okay everyone, now who were “Daisy” and “Sam” and how did Alice and I know them?
They were two classmates who Alice and I were friends with for a short period of time until that hot, sunny day when we were ten years old.
Were Daisy and Sam good friends or not?
They of course were! Because we were only ten years old we believed that no adults would believe us, so Alice and I hardly said anything about it even though in the aftermath of what happened to them is something we regret in retrospect.
Now how did Alice and I meet and was it love at first sight?
Alice was a new girl at our school and my mom was a popular teacher who worked as a teacher for only twenty years before taking an early retirement in 2019. She couldn’t tolerate the increase in parental leniency and how little was being done about bullying in schools. When she retired, faculty and students pleaded with her to stay for at least five more years, but she strongly declined.
(Me: “But hey, popularity never ceases!”)
My mom, even though she is well into her retirement years, loves to intimidate former students whenever she crosses paths with someone.
Now returning to subject, it was a rainy day and most kids were not allowed to go outside. Safety in our time was a top priority.
Like many kids, I was in the cafeteria looking for a place to sit after getting my brownbag lunch out of my backpack. My lunch was a green apple wrapped in a paper towel, a small bag of unsalted peanuts and a bottle of water.
I found a place adjacent to the school office and sat down which was when we saw each other for the first time. Her parents were speaking with the school secretary who helped them finish
some paperwork then quickly called in my teacher (my mom was not my teacher) who in turn quickly took on Alice as a student. Despite her seemingly introverted behavior, my opinion of her was no different from any other kid (regardless if male or female) who had ambiguous views in regards to new kids.
The young Alice had wavy red hair, large blue eyes, non-bespectacled and had an athletic build given that she liked going jogging with her parents. Whenever the young Alice spoke, she spoke with a nasally tone in her voice unlike the present-day Alice who speaks with a raspy voice, has long blonde hair, does wear glasses and visits a gym near her house whenever she isn’t working.
After school finished for the day, some students gathered with faculty in the school auditorium to help set up sets for a play. I found my mom and asked her if I could help set up sets and she said yes.
I looked around for the young Alice but couldn’t find her. Our teacher made sure other kids were polite towards the young Alice as my mom looked on even though fellow members of the faculty, kids, and parents tried to convince my mom to let their kids roam around “Kids just being kids.”
Now keeping to subject, I ran down a hallway and saw the young Alice looking out a window. Given that she was a new kid when we first met, I instantly tried to think of what to say to the young Alice if she reacted to me in a negative way, but she unexpectedly didn’t.
I asked her, “I’m sorry if I scared you, but are you new here?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“When did you move here?”
“Two weeks ago, from Seattle.”
“What was it like living in Seattle?”
“What’s your name?”
“David. What’s your name?”
“Alice. So, David, what are some pretty places around here my parents and I can visit?”
“So many, but what do you like to do Alice?”
“I like to read, go running with my parents, and play guitar. In fact, I’m hoping one day to go to the Olympics.”
“Summer or Winter?”
“Does it matter?”
“No, it doesn’t Alice, but what do your parents do?”
“My parents sell houses, but I don’t want to sell houses even though I’ve been told I’m good at math.”
“Do you think you’re good at math, Alice?”
“No, David. Do you think you’re good at math?”
Suddenly, my mom saw me and immediately got mad. She approached us and looked at us as if she wanted to place us in jail, me more than Alice.
She spoke to Alice first.
“What are you doing with my son here?”
“Mom, why are you being so mean? She’s new.”
Mom ignored me and kept taunting Alice, but a surprise happened.
My mom insulted Alice by saying to her, “You look good, but answer my question; what are you doing with my son?”
Alice unexpectedly said back, “How often are you mean to people?”
“Excuse me?”
Alice did not say anything back.
“I work here, so if you’re a new student, will you always follow the rules?”
I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or tell off my mom for being a loudmouth.
That's All For Now!
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!
Joined: 23 Nov 2006
Age: 35
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Location: Portland, Oregon
My Short Story "Pieces of Truth" (Part 5; Edited Version)
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Now returning to present-day, Alice and I made sure that nobody knew not only about our renewed relationship, but also about the crazy messages we got from the two people claiming to be our murdered friends from childhood.
As you obviously know, Alice did not send the creepy messages to me and vice-versa because of handwriting and how much people change over the course of time.
One week after we returned from our trip that got ruined by those unexplained letters (even though we did get help from a detective who worked the case which went cold) it got worse.
On campus at another social event, it was casual dress and nothing stylized. I sat at a table minding my own business and Alice sat across from me with her hair tied back in a ponytail and wearing clothes as if she had been working out earlier.
She looked at me and slowly asked, “David, who do you think have been sending these messages to us because I got a text message on my way here to see you?”
She took her phone out from her purse and showed me the text message.
The text message read, “Hello again Alice. I hope that this text message finds you well. It’s great that you’ve been taking good care of yourself. In fact, I sometimes have imagined us together in love, but instead you and David will always be together. Sam."
Suddenly, a student who I didn’t know approached us.
“Are you David?”
“I am.”
“A female student came up to me and told me to give this to you.”
I unsurprisingly with hesitation took the envelope and opened it. The letter was typed.
The typed letter was from a female writer, “Hello again David. I hope that this letter finds you well. Sam and I can tell you and Alice are picking up your relationship as if it never happened. While indeed people do change over the course of time, what did Sam and I ever do to be ignored by you and Alice? Oh, that’s right, the two of you hated us right from the beginning primarily because the two of you…”
I stopped reading the letter not only because the letter creeped me out, but because my cell phone buzzed. It was a call. The voice was female.
“Am I speaking with you, David?”
“Have you and Alice forgotten all about me after all these years?”
“Who am I speaking with?”
“David, are you crazy or something?”
“David, come on. You sure know how to make a girl laugh.”
I said to the female who I was engaging in phone conversation with, “Daisy and Sam were murdered back in the early 2000s, so whoever you are, leave me and Alice alone!”
I quickly hung up and turned my phone off.
Alice looked at me and said back, “David, who was that?”
“Just turn your phone off and maybe we will have a good time.”
Alice did just that and we enjoyed ourselves.
After the event was over, we held hands, went to a nearby park and continued to enjoy ourselves for a short period of time.
“You want to come over to my place sometime, David?”
“David, say when.”
I said back, “When.”
We kissed and went back to our places. As I hopped on a bus to go back to my place, even though I turned it off, my cell phone buzzed again.
Pretending I was imagining things, I found a place to sit and looked out a window as the driver drove away from the bus stop and into traffic.
That's All For Now!
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!
Joined: 27 Aug 2024
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Joined: 27 Aug 2024
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Location: Somewhere over the rainbow
I know I'll be in that list when my story comes out!
Funnily enough, the conversations are one of my favourite parts of writing, and the descriptions are my personal demon. Maybe someday we'll be able to credit each other's writing!
I'm the opposite! I suck at the dialogues but I'm great at descriptions.

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Where are you from?
Incidentally, from what I've observed, and from the observations of others, it seems a great many writers and others in the arts tend to be on the spectrum.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Oh hey, a writing thread! Neat.
I’m planning a few novels at the moment. One’s pretty much ready to be written but the other two are still up in the air. I’ve wanted to be published since 2015, but didn’t start taking action towards it until 2020.
I still need to brush on and practice writing more often, since my prose is as stale as dry bread and not particularly descriptive.

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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I’m planning a few novels at the moment. One’s pretty much ready to be written but the other two are still up in the air. I’ve wanted to be published since 2015, but didn’t start taking action towards it until 2020.
I still need to brush on and practice writing more often, since my prose is as stale as dry bread and not particularly descriptive.
I suggest looking into a local writers group, as one can get constructive (and admittedly sometimes not too constructive) criticism. Plus, exposing your work to others can do wonders to inspire you to write; it certainly worked for me.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
I’m planning a few novels at the moment. One’s pretty much ready to be written but the other two are still up in the air. I’ve wanted to be published since 2015, but didn’t start taking action towards it until 2020.
I still need to brush on and practice writing more often, since my prose is as stale as dry bread and not particularly descriptive.
I suggest looking into a local writers group, as one can get constructive (and admittedly sometimes not too constructive) criticism. Plus, exposing your work to others can do wonders to inspire you to write; it certainly worked for me.
I think there's a writer's group in my town, but I'm not sure how active or how serious it is. I went to one of their sessions before and it was pretty alright. I'm currently in a writer's group online.

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Book number seven is now on Kindle and in paperback: ... 267&sr=1-1
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
My own personal issue, when it comes to writing, is that my passion has always been film and video games. Ever since kindergarten, I've always hated reading. It's not because I couldn't do it; it was because I just couldn't keep up with it without losing interest very quickly.
Now - because of that, any attempt I make at writing prose always reads more like a screenplay (only because screenplays focus on using external dialogue/body language/vocal delivery/externalized action to imply what is going on in a character's head). So I just stuck with screenwriting.
One of the more recent things I've written were two episodes of "The Forging of Gheldrynn", which was going to be a miniseries that goes through three stories of mine ("The Forging of Gheldrynn", "The Heroes of Gheldrynn", and "The Reckoning of Gheldrynn") - which are intended to be a chronicle of original fantasy stories set in the land of Gheldrynn. Because I have this tendency for impulsively writing in moments of levity when the feeling strikes, I have this odd balance of telling very serious (sometimes heavy-handed) stories that are laced with irreverent (and sometimes meta) humor - so as to keep them from taking themselves TOO seriously.
Episode 1's screenplay (23 Pages)
Episode 2's screenplay (23 pages)
I will give proper fore-warning though: this story is intended for mature audiences and has coarse language, crude/sexual humor, and this particular story does contain heavy-handed mature themes (all implied, not openly shown) including life in captivity with physical/emotional/sexual abuse. Yeah, and my neurotypical husband jokes about how I can be a cruel creator, sometimes...
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I am working on a new screenplay that is a little over half-finished.
Title: "The Silent Warriors"
Genre: Dramedy
Logline: Three female victims of domestic abuse don't bother ratting out their perps, but instead launch a secret campaign to help fellow victims fight back against perps. The ladies want anonymity, but word spreads quickly creating an unexpected ripple effect beginning in their home city, then their home state, then all across the US. Many media outlets vow to ID the ladies even as inspired copycats launch their own campaigns launch all across the US.
"We're not heroes!"
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
Gender: Male
Posts: 48,772
Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
Title: "The Silent Warriors"
Genre: Dramedy
Logline: Three female victims of domestic abuse don't bother ratting out their perps, but instead launch a secret campaign to help fellow victims fight back against perps. The ladies want anonymity, but word spreads quickly creating an unexpected ripple effect beginning in their home city, then their home state, then all across the US. Many media outlets vow to ID the ladies even as inspired copycats launch their own campaigns launch all across the US.
"We're not heroes!"
Sounds good!
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
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