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20 Nov 2024, 11:41 pm

What kind of unusual things happened at your work parties?


Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 41
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29 Nov 2024, 11:25 pm


Been working at home Depot for four years. Have not gone to the holiday party

Gardener adrena said she would drive me if I want to go

Some of the ass holes I hate signed up for the party

They said they give out prizes like Xbox and tv

Menu looks delicious

Socially awkward

Considering going


Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 41
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15 Dec 2024, 11:40 pm

the work party is right now, today, 8-11pm.

i don't have a car and the bus doesn't come late enough to go to and from the party.

reasons why i might've wanted to go: the menu looked good. some rodents said that home depot gives out prizes like xboxes.

reasons why i didn't go: too much pressure to eat things off my diet, ass hole coworkers, sleep schedule, loud noise

i do not know if i regret not going. it sounds like a good change of pace and a good chance to socialize and all that retardedass BS, s**t.


Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 41
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Yesterday, 11:00 pm

Some ass holes at work still talking about the stupidass party

Maybe the food was delicious and expensive

But I am glad I didn't have to deal with annoying Alberto, tattle tale tom, or any of the other ghetto ass wild animals that work there

But still I want some social interaction

Just not with idiots that:

1. Say "huh" and "what" instead of "excuse me"

2. Put their filthy paws on my worthless corpse

3. Talk too much and too loud and enthusiastically

4. Self righteous, self important, entitled, rude, judgmental

5. Say "can you" like it's a polite request