hugely difficult time with blinking emojis on this site

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18 Dec 2024, 8:31 am

Frankly, I'm really surprised that a site like this has this annoying (or for me, MADDENING) feature. I am incapable of using many many websites for this very reason and it seems to be getting worse for me (most likely due to stress.)
Anyone else dealing with this? How to cope? I am a senior, incapable of fiddling with my laptop to 'fix it with a code' or somesuch.
I have tape that I use to move bits of paper around the screen to cover up a variety of flashing, bobbing, waving, fluttering, zinging, exploding, twinkling crap but it has become unmanageable .
Looking for either advice or commiseration.


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18 Dec 2024, 8:42 am

You can turn the smilies off if you click on “My Account,” then on “Board preferences” under options, then on “Edit display options,” and then on “No” under “Display smilies as images.” Make sure you hit Submit at the bottom.

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18 Dec 2024, 9:58 am

well, I followed those instructions to the letter. Made sure to hit submit. Tried twice.
Not working.


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18 Dec 2024, 10:01 am

It’s working for me. I’m not sure what the problem could be. Maybe logging in and out could help. That’s necessary for some setting changes although I’ve not needed to do it with this one.

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18 Dec 2024, 12:57 pm

If you go to the "Edit Display Options" panel,
switch "Display smilies as images:" to No, and then
hit the Submit button at the bottom,

does the result work for you?

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23 Dec 2024, 7:59 am

Thank you for trying to help.
Now I can''t even find how I attempted to fix this before! I went to My Account and the only thing there is image info. Asking if I want to change my avatar. Nowhere do I see what I did before (may I should not be in My account) regarding options.
As I am typing now, I look up to see a few words above this box. I will copy and paste here to show what I THINK may be what I am supposed to be seeing. 'flash' is off yet I still get it.

Options: [BBCode is ON ,[img] is ON, ,[flash] is OFF, ,[url] is ON, ,Smilies are ON


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23 Dec 2024, 8:02 am

SwooningTurquoise wrote:
Thank you for trying to help.
Now I can''t even find how I attempted to fix this before! I went to My Account and the only thing there is image info. Asking if I want to change my avatar. Nowhere do I see what I did before (may I should not be in My account) regarding options.
As I am typing now, I look up to see a few words above this box. I will copy and paste here to show what I THINK may be what I am supposed to be seeing. 'flash' is off yet I still get it.

Options: [BBCode is ON ,[img] is ON, ,[flash] is OFF, ,[url] is ON, ,Smilies are ON

Flash is a different thing. It refers to Adobe Flash, which used to be common online but is now vanished entirely.

Smilies seem to be what you're complaining about. This is a smiley: :nerdy:

As TP said, if you don't want to see them you need to change Display smilies as images: to no from it's default of yes.

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23 Dec 2024, 10:30 am

In "My Acount", on the left side menu under "Edit display options".

SwooningTurquoise wrote:
I went to My Account and the only thing there is image info.

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28 Dec 2024, 4:21 pm

The parts of your profile you will see depends on where you are when you ask to see them.

Try going into the forums then looking at your profile.

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28 Dec 2024, 6:01 pm

^ Not so - the account view is the same irrespective of the location from which it is accessed.

Top right of the screen as "My Account", next to the "Log Out" button.
As others have said: My Account | Board preferences | Edit display options (last two under "Options" on the left-hand panel) and then set "Display smilies as images:" to No.
Finish by clicking the "Submit" button.

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28 Dec 2024, 6:23 pm

When I click on My Account from the main homepage, not within the forums, I get this:


There’s not an option to edit display options here, so My Account needs to be accessed within the forums - anywhere within the forums will work.

If the OP comes back, I’d be willing to provide a step-by-step guide, utilizing highlighted screenshots.

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28 Dec 2024, 7:40 pm

:oops: Dang, apologies all round - you're right, of course.

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28 Dec 2024, 7:45 pm

It’s something that really confused me when I was new here. I figured My Account would be the same everywhere.

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28 Dec 2024, 7:48 pm

As it should be - that screen looks like a barely half-finished version of some other "My Account" screen, yet it contains things not accessible in the "real" My Account.

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11 Jan 2025, 6:29 pm

I can't find a smilie that does blink. I thought the rolling eyes one might move a bit but it seems quite static here. Does anybody see blinking smilies?

I've sometimes seen blinking, animated, or otherwise distracting avatars though. If I find one that gets on my nerves, rather than turn all avatars off (which would make it harder for me to recognise who is posting), I use uBlock Origin's element picker to block the specific one that's annoying me. Any good ad blocker will likely have the same feature.

PS I've noticed that one or two of the items in the Options thing (above the text box when I post) don't necessarily reflect the settings I've made in User Control Panel > Edit Display Options, but the settings still seem to do what I've told them to do.