SwooningTurquoise wrote:
Thank you for trying to help.
Now I can''t even find how I attempted to fix this before! I went to My Account and the only thing there is image info. Asking if I want to change my avatar. Nowhere do I see what I did before (may I should not be in My account) regarding options.
As I am typing now, I look up to see a few words above this box. I will copy and paste here to show what I THINK may be what I am supposed to be seeing. 'flash' is off yet I still get it.
Options: [BBCode is ON ,[img] is ON, ,[flash] is OFF, ,[url] is ON, ,Smilies are ON
Flash is a different thing. It refers to Adobe Flash, which used to be common online but is now vanished entirely.
Smilies seem to be what you're complaining about. This is a smiley:

As TP said, if you don't want to see them you need to change
Display smilies as images: to no from it's default of yes.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.