I have a holiday party I have to go on Sunday, not really looking forward to it. It's not going to be a lot of people, but I don't see extended family too often. When I do sometimes, I feel nervous and weird. I have very little in common in with them. There have been times I've skipped get togethers, but I cannot skip all of them.
Also, there has been drama in the past that I remember very clearly, even going back 30 years, that I am sure some of them have forgotten about. Usually, I need at least a week to prepare myself for these events. Even though it's only going to last 2.5-3 hours tops.
This means, getting myself in order. I always have a game plan going into these things, as in when to leave, what not to do or say, and the like. From a few past blunders, I've found having a game plan keeps me out of trouble.
Still, I'll just be glad when it's over.
If you don't say anything, you won't be called on to repeat it.
― Calvin Coolidge