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28 Dec 2024, 12:00 am

Today immediately after my lunch, that self righteous annoying lil dip s**t had the nerve to tell me off. She said that I have to make sure there are enough carts before I go to lunch. But at the time that b***h told me that, there were so many carts that more carts would not even fit. Then she told me that if I need help, ask. (Rolls eyes). She said that the head cashier could not find me. (I was in the litterbox for 26 and 22 minutes, but that's not new or unusual.). There have been five different front end supervisors in my four years at home Depot and the current one is the only one petty and stupid enough to tell me not to push the carts behind the building.

Now I am afraid to go to the litterbox on the clock.

Maybe I will end up defecating in my pants because now I am afraid that if I go to the litterbox on the clock, I will get made redundant, s**t

Maybe she's biased against me or maybe she just doesn't like me. It doesn't have to be "discrimination". Everyone has subconscious biases and nobody has perfect perception and interpretation.


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30 Dec 2024, 8:57 pm

a couple months ago, in bookkeeping, CXM bao told lot attendant justin that justin went into the building and got a snack. justin said no that is wrong. but plenty of coworkers get snacks from the vending machine and they do not all get written up, so i do not know what the flying f**k happened to that stupidass self righteous lil boy justin. ("i am not a slave"). (rolls eyes). that lil boy worked there march 2024 to september 2024 then haven't seen him since then. (of course, maybe he works @ a different location).

supervisor MA told tool rental ricardo that MA was giving ricardo three write ups. ricardo reacted in an unemotional way. ricardo still works there, and he doesn't seem emotionally disturbed or impacted by the write ups.

cashier janice's locker had a note front from the front end supervisor praising janice for her "improvement". what the flying f**k? the front end supervisor put janice on a performance improvement plan? janice is 75 years old and has been working there eight f*****g years! s**t!

hardware specialist gregg said that two years ago, he got made redundant. at that time, he had worked there 26 years.(?!) he said that he had been taking three hour lunches ("stealing time"). then he said that his then supervisor, Ted, got him his job back. and he's still working there right now.

cashier tamika. a couple years ago, said that then front end manager ashley gave her a write up for being on the phone. (plenty of coworkers on the phone a lot and they don't get written up).

assistant manager DS told customer service doan that doan did something that was "stealing time". after that, doan got promoted to supervisor.

lot attendant/plumber/hardware steve in march 2024, allegedly was late for work and then phoned someone and asked them to clock in for him and they tattled.

lot attendant jamiel, one day, two years ago, was barking @ security guard freddy that freddy was "standing right in front of me" and manager cristina came and never saw jamiel again. (good riddance!)

cashier allegedly got made redundant for stealing $$$

cashier allegedly got made redundant for stealing candy

"at will" employer. i am afraid that the front end supervisor, (or any other employee, customer, or anyone else) will make me lose my job. i've been so f*****g paranoid for such a long time and anal retentively following the stupidass rules, even though other employees are not always following the rules. and trying to get along with those loud, rude, self righteous, self important, convicted felons, whether customer or employee. s**t.

i should've gotten Employee of the Month a longfuck time ago. the supervisor's barking @ me on friday made me afraid i would get made redundant.

s**t. f**k Front End Supervisor AW and f**k almost everyone else that works @ home depot, s**t!

terrified of getting made redundant. i do not have enough work credits to get government benefits. besides, government benefits not guaranteed, permanent, or sufficient. s**t. always been single. afraid of ending up homeless. there is nobody that will lemmie sleep on the couch. s**t. zero "friends". no children. parents dead a longfuck time ago. that dumpster fire "job" is my only source of income, s**t.

before home depot, i was unemployed for a longfuck time. zero job skills. got made redundant plenty of times.

i am afraid that no other company will make the mistake of hiring my worthless corpse, s**t.


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01 Jan 2025, 8:28 pm

last year, former ASM dave W told former Supervisor Sue and current pro cashier jenny, that they trusted a customer to do something, and if the customer did not do what he said he would do, they both get written up. if the customer did what he said he would do, they would not get written up. later, dave got a different job and sue went to work @ a different home depot.

plenty of ass holes have been getting made redundant or quitting home depot lately. (turnover rate skyrocketing, esp for cashier, customer service).

yesterday, noticed that the cash registers have a new sign that says that cashiers need to clean the register before break, lunch, and going home. (there is no way to know if Supervisor AW, Assistant Manager, Manager, or anyone else came up with that new policy) (rolls eyes)

yesterday, overheard Plumber Marquis tell another coworker "they cut me loose". as usual, "they" was too vague, but it sounded to me like marquis said home depot made him redundant. marquis and i have only had about two previous interactions, that i remember. one time, i asked him to please load some pallets for me (i have a doctors note that i am not allowed to lift over fifty pounds), and that ass hole had the nerve to start barking @ me in slang and tell me "it's not that heavy"). he was wasting more energy flapping his stupidass trap, than energy it took to load the damn pallets. then another time i asked him to load another pallet and the idiot had the nerve to bark @ me "am i helping you or are you helping me?".

on the other hand, hearing about other coworkers allegedly getting made redundant makes me afraid of getting made redundant. marquis had worked @ home depot for 20 years or so. he did not say what reason home depot gave for giving him the pink slip.

cashier janice's locker has a note from front end supervisor that says thank you for improving your work. janice has been working there eight years and she has won cashier of the month @ least once.

so i do not know if the new supervisor AW is just more control freaky/strict/anal retentive than previous 4 supervisors, or maybe the ASM or SM or corporate has been changing policies. communication @ home depot is through the f*****g grapevine, s**t.

last year, someone said Hardware Danny got made redundant.

my performance reviews in 3/2024 by Stephanie and 9/2024 by current supervisor, were both unremarkable.

AW, in july 2024, had the nerve to tell me to stop going behind the building to push carts.

s**t f**k AW!

i've been applying for jobs, but only a couple job interviews, and zero job offers. no car. exhausted all the time. zero job skills. bad personality. got made redundant from plenty of previous jobs. long amounts of unemployment. been working @ home depot 4 years 2 months. the second longest that i have had a paying job: 5 months, age 18, Cashier, tuesday morning. right now, i am 41 years old.

terrified that if b*****s and ass holes have the nerve to make my worthless corpse redundant from home depot, nobody will ever make the mistake of hiring my worthless corpse again, s**t and then homeless.


Joined: 4 Mar 2017
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02 Jan 2025, 7:43 pm

july 2024, supervisor AW had the nerve to tell me "it has come to my attention that you went behind the building." and i told that b***h that sometimes there are carts behind the building and i push them. that b***h had the nerve to tell me that the managers will push the carts and do not go behind the building unless someone tells me to. it is now january 2025 and my worthless corpse has been so f*****g afraid that some idiot from home depot will have the nerve to make my worthless corpse redundant for disobedience ("insubordination") (rolls eyes) that

f**k supervisor AW! she said that she got pregnant in 11th grade. maybe SHE is the one that needs micromanagement, not ME. i'm 41 and have never gotten pregnant. look how trustworthy and responsible i am! and how the f**k did that stupidass b***h pay for a baby when she was in 11th grade? with the exception of professional actors, not many jobs hire applicants under 18 with no high school diploma. besides, child labor laws specify what kind (industry) of jobs minors could legally do, what time (am/pm), and how many hours a week. besides, if she had been a professional actor in 11th grade, there would still be internet articles about it by now.

AW also had the nerve to bark @ cashier DS b/c DS allegedly accepted a counterfeit bill from a customer. AW told DS that when DS was still on break. and AW told DS that when DS was in the doorway of the breakroom. according to SOP, AW was supposed to wait until DS was on the clock and tell her that in private.

AW treats some as*holes better than others. AW was sexually rubbing against daniel (milwaukee).

head cashier AD said that she was glad supervisor AW was absent on one day (a couple months ago) b/c AW was "weird". AD did not specify what "weird" things AW allegedly did or said. nor did i ask.

a couple months ago, i was trying to knock over a pallet so i could put it on the cart and take it to receiving. (per job description). AW had the nerve to bark @ me not to knock over the pallet with my foot. (home depot has no SOP policy or anything like that about that.) but AW the vast majority of the time, is not outside, much less, somewhere where she can micromanage my worthless corpse. (thank buddha).

SOP said that employees not allowed/required to work while on the clock. but supervisor AW and head cashier AD, numerous times, have had to verbally bother me while i was off the clock. "are you on lunch?" "do you have the walkie talkie?". "who has the walkie talkie?" "what time you off today?". questions, not "orders" per se, and they are about work, but talking takes SO much energy for me, and, the concept too. i don't think i should have to answer questions about work while i am off the clock. besides, while i am off the clock, i could be anywhere, not just in the breakroom, and some places not accessible to idiots such as AW and AD.

a couple months ago, another coworker said that she worked a second job as an Admin Asst and AD asked if it paid over $22 and the coworker said yes, and they were hiring. AD said that she only worked one job. i do not understand how the f**k she manages to pay for herself with just one minimum wage job. and it appears that she has a spouse and at least one child.


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03 Jan 2025, 11:22 pm

Even when the front end supervisor is not at work, head cashiers Star and Angela D have had the nerve to be micromanaging me. Head cashier MM too (rolls eyes)

Today as soon as I got to the break room, Star had the nerve to ask if I was on break

They don't act like they have a grudge against me, but they act like they don't even trust me to not "nickel and dime" stupidass home Depot, s**t


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08 Jan 2025, 12:06 am

Today supervisor AW had the nerve to come to the parking lot and tell tattle tale tom and me to push the carts from the emergency cart section into the lobby and then refill the corral with carts. Tattle tale tom and Adam W pushed carts into the lobby until there was no more room. They did not refill the corral. Maybe they misunderstood AW. (Rolls eyes)

After lunch I was working alone and I had to refill the whole corral alone s**t

Just seeing AW makes me so f*****g uncomfortable and uptight that I have been drinking water in the mens litterbox instead of the break room. None of the current head cashiers or supervisor go to the mens litterbox.

Which does not make sense because sometimes there is nothing to do in the parking lot and no matter what I do, that's not really "helping" home Depot or anyone else

But I follow orders because I am afraid that the rude lazy loud emotional stupid supervisor AW will have the nerve to make me redundant

s**t I swear home Depot has a policy that the lower your IQ score, the higher on the totem pole you are

(Rolls eyes)

Some ass holes are totally full of themselves s**t