To gain a sporting edge?... None
Not even sure they'd do what they're supposed to with my strange pharmaceutical response (probably something to do with my connective tissue disorder.)
But I was a bit of a party animal so...
Amyl nitrate and analogues make your heart race... Last time I tried one scared the crap out of me.
I thought my heart would explode.
Not known for performance enhancement, LSD does act like an amphetamine, but has limited effect on me (except for that rictus), I haven't bothered with hallucinogens since I discovered my immunity to DMT.
Benzedrine, Dexedrine, methedrine and cocaine will keep me up and energetic all night but the comedown leaves me really grumpy. I'm guessing bupropion would also count as performance enhancing.
They would all be counterproductive for an archer.
Technically they class cannabis as performance enhancing, but I think it would only be so for a few sports...shooting and archery.
I'm guessing clonidine would be the same
I probably could have taken whatever I liked when I was a stoner on the national archery team.
("No..Don't test him!... The hippy is bound to test positive")
I've never bothered trying steroids, growth factors or even cobalt.
I've never been after an edge.. I'm just a self medicator.
Impacts and side effects?
Well emphysema is the obvious one from smoking.
I doubt the stimulants did my aneurysms any good, but I'm still kicking (with 4 feet of Dacron arteries)