Something must be wrong with me, because I've enjoyed all of the Fantastic Four films, plus the cartoon that was on decades ago. In the sixties, my older brother had Fantastic Four comic books and I use to look at the pictures. I've always like Johnny the Human Torch and The Thing. For whatever reason, I found the stretchy guy (LOL! my brain is telling me Lou Reed) Reed Richards and the Invisible Girl, Sue Richard less interesting. The were okay, but hear "Flame on!" was so cool. And being made of rocks. Wow.
When I say all, I even mean the 1994 version. Definitely not a special effects tour deforce, but I still liked it.
Thank you for the heads up.
And I'm serious about something being wrong with me. I like so many films that fans don't, like the Star Wars prequels.
appendum - the 1994 version was okay, not great.