cyberdora wrote:
Yeah the phone code could be observation of smudges on the phone screen (although I woudn't bank my budding magician career on it). But coming up with cold mind reading with one question is pretty impressive. that isn't something one can do with tricks. I am interested in specifics rather than "oh we know it’s fake".
Have you looked into any debunking videos on the topic? If you’re interesting in specifics, it seems like it might be worth investigating on your own. Some people have devoted a lot of time and research into debunking this sort of stuff which is something most of us here haven’t done or, at least, not to the point where it’s easy to demonstrate, especially without visual aids. Derren Brown videos could be a good start.
I don’t think she did a “cold mind read.” Some ideas:
1. It could be entirely fake. We only have the woman’s word to go on that Jason was who she was thinking of. She works in show business, so acting doesn’t seem unreasonable. It may have been encouraged by those behind the camera because of ratings.
2. It could be somewhat faked (i.e. the woman isn’t acting) using some combination of the techniques I mentioned in a previous post or others I haven’t thought of.
I think it’s impossible to know exactly what method she employed unless someone blabs about it. When people pull off stunts like this that aren’t entirely fake, they typically engage in research about people first. The woman was asked a question I found interesting. She was initially asked, not the name of someone she liked, but the name of a crush. That combined with background knowledge and planting references to the crush in some fashion earlier in the day/leading up to the interview as Brown did in the video I posted could’ve led the woman to give a specific response. Interestingly, one of the woman’s coworkers said that she was an “open book.” At any rate, it’s all very complicated to explain, so watching videos on the topic may be more useful.
Speaking of tricks that aren’t performed on informed actors, Shah, like Brown, are professionals who devoted lots of time, study, and practice into perfecting what they do. Comparing our results to theirs isn’t likely to mean much. Shah also appears highly skilled socially which gives her specific advantages that most of us likely don’t have.