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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 2 Mar 2025
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Yesterday, 7:58 pm

Hello everyone! I found this website a few weeks ago, and it took me a while to figure out that I really wanted to post something and be part of this community.

I'm a self-diagnosed (ASD and ADHD) 35-year-old guy. Five weeks ago, I was blown away by the results of a bunch of tests. I must say that while I was taking them, sometimes I was crying and sometimes I was laughing out loud. I think that those 3 or 4 tests are the closest I got to "someone understands me".

I've lived my whole life as an "outsider". I always felt I was different from most people, and this became pretty clear when I was 13 or 14. At that age, I developed a strong passion for science and religion, and because nobody my age was into those things, I started to isolate myself. Then I realized I was never going to be able to "mix with other people," and I decided that I needed to be independent as soon as possible. I started to study and work as a web designer at around 14, while getting horrible grades at school.

I wanted to get enough money to "stay alone, far from society," and fortunately/unfortunately, I was able to do precisely that when I turned 26. I moved to a tropical country and started my own homestead, plus a bunch of side projects.

I am lucky enough to be set financially and to be doing what I wanted to do, although everything else in my life apart from those two things is a complete disaster. During the past 3 or 4 years, I've lost all my friends (abusive relationships which were really bad for my mental health), I have a bad relationship with my family (also abusive), and my marriage is in shambles. We live far from society, and it's almost impossible to meet new people (also, I don't want to and I'm not able to!).

So, I find myself in a weird spot. I always felt that some hard things were easy, and some easy things were hard. Now that I know that I'm autistic (waiting for the official diagnosis), I am finally understanding why I do some of the things that I do. Wetting the bed until I was 7 or 8 wasn't just something peculiar and funny. Being laser-focused on my own things is not just a superpower, but also a way to protect and isolate myself. Also, I'm trying to recognize and accept the fact that most people don't actually "think in tree diagrams" like I do (for better or for worse).

Also, I love non-human animals, and I have a bunch of them with me all the time. My wife always jokes with me by saying, "Without animals, you would be dead!" and that is precisely how I feel and how I always felt.

I don't want to overshare (actually, I do want to!), but I have to mention some of the most important things in my life:

- Effective Altruism
- Secular Humanism
- Lesswrong.com
- I don't believe in free will
- This quote by Galileo: "Names and attributes must be adapted to the essence of things, not the essence to the names; things came first, then came names."

Enough for now, I think.



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Yesterday, 9:06 pm

Ahoy-hoy. I'll have to get lesswrong.com a look later on.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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Today, 12:58 am

Welcome To WrongPlanet.. glad you made a successful landing...here..hope you find some interesting forums and threads here.....

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are

utterly absurd

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Today, 9:05 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Diagnosed ASD, ADHD, Tourettes age 5
I don't mean to offend anyone, I just have very strong opinions
Feel free to PM me--I like to talk about most things other than sports

jimmy m

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14 minutes ago

embe, Welcome to Wrong Planet.

It sounds like you have found the right place. A few weeks ago you were exploring your inner self and discovered some information. So I will try and explain something to you. Humans are a very complex being. That is because we have multiple brains. Some exist on the left side of your skull and others on the right. Some are daytime brains and some night. But sometimes very early in life a problem occurs and there is a brain flip. Our night time brains become our dominant daytime brains.

This gives you certain skills but also certain weaknesses. So the first thing is to understand, humans are different. Deep inside their brains they are different. What they do not understand, they try to destroy.

So what is the secret to survival. Learn to live your life as a two brain person. Use both brains but pick and choose which one. There is a book called Peter Pan. It is about a boy who lives in two different worlds.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."