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22 Feb 2025, 3:23 pm

Been on testosterone to transition from female to male from 24-26 and 36-41 now

Yesterday a customer called me "Amiga" and another customer called me "sir or ma'am".

That's a long time on testosterone and only less menstruation

Physical strength, emotions, weight, the same, sleep

Still look and sound like a woman

Appetite skyrocketed


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02 Mar 2025, 9:50 pm

Hopefully you already know, BUT........

1. Testosterone really DOESN'T make you "STRONGER". There are TWO things it does basically.....
a. It may be converted to DHT, which will MAY cause androgen receptors to be activated. THIS would change a few things on a female, and this would include the voice deepening. On a female this is tricky, since it may NOT change certain things and you would still have a voice with a female quality to it. It would ALSO cause the hair growth to change, and chang another female part, though it would STILL be FEMALE! Other things would change on a male, INCLUDING EMOTIONS, and muscle composition, but THAT happens like days after conception, so it won't happen to you.
b. The STRENGTH difference is created by the fact that testosterone is an ANABOLIC STEROID! Unless you are young, and have other triggers, you have to tear down the muscle to rebuild it. So you have to EXERCISE near your limit for many reps and sets. 5 sets of 5 reps each is a good start. If you can do say 7 reps, per set, it is too light, and you should increase the weight, or the number of reps per set. BTW you should ALSO take 40% as many grams of protein as you weigh in pounds! Take about 12 times as many calories total as you weigh in pounds. Women are weaker mainly because the muscle composition is different(testosterone won't change that), and they can't recover fast enough to build enough(Testosterone WILL help THAT). And if you ar looking to fight mals, etc.... forget that. The BONE composition is different ALSO.

A few more possibilities!! !! !! I HAVE TO MENTION THEM!! !!

#1 Remember when I spoke of "androgen receptors" in #1 earlier? I was going to mention ANOTHER possibility, but the fact that you are having periods means you likely ARE a woman, and so no concern on THAT side.
Just to double check, you DO have some body hair, like under the arms, etc... though, right? If not, you COULD simply be steroid insensitive. I DOUBT any such people have periods, and apparently NO such people have body hair. I am not a doctor, I just had a LOT of interests when I was younger.

A few other things. Estrogen WILL work against testosterone. Also, they likely WON'T give you the full Male dosage. Men NEED like 400-500 just to seem normal. And the max is like 1000-1300. A woman will start showing symptoms of high testosterone with even like 100ng/dl. (All amounts are ng/dl NanoGram per DeciLiter) Just out of curiosity, how are you getting the testosterone? Needle, pill, patch?

And WHY are you trying to seem like a male? I am curious, and I never bothered to actually ask a "trans" person. It is such a waste, since you would be giving up a culture in a way, and the ability to start a family, etc... and stuff you know. Things you have taken for granted will maybe DISAPPEAR!

Male's voices DO deepen relatively quickly. The fact that YOURS hasn't makes me wonder if you are getting enough usable testosterone, or are insensitive to it somehow. You COULD simply still have a female quality to the voice, or a female word choice, or they could be going by your appearance. You could also be simply on the wrong diet. Unfermented soybeans, for example, have a chemical that works AGAINST testosterone. Men usually have enough testosterone so that it isn't noticeable, and most other countries ferment it, etc....


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02 Mar 2025, 10:05 pm

SFBUM, have you been prescribed any sort of estrogen antagonist alongside testosterone?

Some of the things you've complained in the past about would be addressed by an estrogen antagonist (breast atrophy is a typical side-effect, for example).

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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02 Mar 2025, 10:11 pm

2ukenkerl wrote:
And WHY are you trying to seem like a male? I am curious, and I never bothered to actually ask a "trans" person.

You should probably ask that question before being categorically dismissive of trans people. It's hard to be genuinely sympathetic to someone when your attitude towards the topic is (by your own admission) rooted in ignorance and also quite judgmental and dismissive.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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Yesterday, 12:22 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:
And WHY are you trying to seem like a male? I am curious, and I never bothered to actually ask a "trans" person.

You should probably ask that question before being categorically dismissive of trans people. It's hard to be genuinely sympathetic to someone when your attitude towards the topic is (by your own admission) rooted in ignorance and also quite judgmental and dismissive.

Actually, above, I was NOT dismissive of ANYONE! I gave VALID responses to answer the questions SFBUM asked. Sorry if you dislike the caveats I put in. As for the exercise, THAT IS GENERALLY NEEDED! Males DO get a lot stronger in their teens, even if they do NOTHING, but that is because of GROWTH! Females need more work, and have less growth, so they don't seem to get as strong in their teens. So if they want to have the muscle growth, EVEN WITH TESTOSTRONE, they need more exercise. Sorry if that sounds sexist. One of the youngest kids to get SUPER STRONG is a little GIRL! SHE apparently didn't even take testosterone. I guess we may see later if that is true. But she DID exercise a LOT, and she started YOUNG!! !! ! So her BIGGEST secret may be all of the GROWTH HORMONE! Such a combination is VERY VERY VERY RARE!

HERE is the girl I was talking about: ... mpionship/