My friend is really self absorbed and it can be exhausting

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07 Feb 2025, 11:07 am

They're always talking about themselves. They only care about themselves it seems. They can never do wrong in their minds. It's getting a bit tiring. We jam to music together and they'll literally sing over music I'm playing with a different song. They can never engage in a conversation about my interests. In fact they said I can't talk about my interests that much because it overwhelms them,meanwhile they overwhelm me so much with their interests. Theyll literally say so much about themselves before they ever ask about me. They brag a lot too. They over explain things to me. If I say something they dont like they blame it on my mental illness.

I like spending time with them but they get In the stuff I mentioned above. I don't know how to manage it and actually have a conversation with them sometimes.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Feb 2025, 8:05 pm

If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.

Maya Angelou

Mona Pereth

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09 Feb 2025, 8:54 pm

Crystal1414 wrote:
I like spending time with them

Given the difficulties you mentioned, what do you like about spending rime wiyh them?

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Today, 11:56 am

I have associated with quite a few people who were quite self-absorbed.

I used to have a huge crush on a man who also had an autism diagnosis who I met through a support group. Not only was he self-absorbed but also extremely entitled as well. Basically, the conversations had go his way or he would leave. He also thought that he was smarter and better than everyone else along with thinking the rules didn't apply to him. He was a very rude and difficult person to deal with too.

I also used to associate with a mom who had two kids on the spectrum. The last time I saw her, I realized that she enjoyed being the center of attention. Not only did she cut me off when I was trying to talk to her but she took over the conversation. I could not get a word in edgewise. She also seemed to show off by taking me to this fancy health club and these little creative landscapes. Yet, at no time did she seem interested in what was going on in my life. Yet, when I did try to express myself, she seemed to be annoyed with me and disappeared on me for a year and a half. At that point, I deleted her from my Fakebook account only to have her attempt to re-add me. However, I was done with her at that point and put my foot down along with calling her out for disappearing on me it was

1. I lost my phone and here is my new number :lol:
2. I'm sorry I will make up to you
3. I'm a bad person who doesn't like me anymore. :D
4. I have been too busy taking care of myself but I have never considered myself a self-centered person
5. I have always considered myself a good listener :D