lostonearth35 wrote:
I don't think I was really pickier than most kids. But as an adult I really need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Who doesn't?
I'm probably unusual then. I eat a lot of vegetables. I'd eat more fruit but grapes are the only one I can be bothered with, everything else being so messy with sticky juice running all over the place.
I heard that most people on the spectrum don't like their foods mixed up. I'm like that for some foods but I find it easier to eat vegetables when I can cook them mixed into the meal instead of separately.
I prefer mixtures too, in fact my staple diet is mixed salad (grated carrots, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, grated cheese, olive oil, and chopped walnuts) and a mixture of mashed potato, lentils, spinach, mushrooms, onions, garlic, butter, and olive oil.
When I was in the group home with about ten other people the menu choices were basically this: take it or leave it.
I don't know how many times I had to tell the staff not to put big piles of mashed potatoes on my plate because I can't stand their mealy texture and the way they stick in my throat.

I'd hate to lose control over my diet like that. Admittedly I resent having to prepare my own food, because it's too easy and menial, but the control I get over what I eat makes it worth the effort. One reason I don't go to restaurants very often is that there isn't usually much on the menu that I'd like to eat.