babybird wrote:
ToughDiamond wrote:
Wouldn't work on me, I'd just think "that's cunning, saying my name to feign friendship to make me want to buy their stuff whether I need it or not." But not everybody is like me, in fact there's a gullible fool born every minute.
But that's in a sales/marketing situation. If it was a proper social encounter, I might like it if it seemed to be done naturally.
Yeah I'm the same, sales techniques don't work on me either but they do work on some people
Well, if you know the tricks, you're not so likely to fall for them. Same here, though I learned about them through a different channel - a few lessons in school and some leftie books about propaganda. And parents who for some reason were already die-hard skeptics about politicians, preachers, and other salesmen.
I do do it in normal conversation as well
I think that's fine as long as it's not done to manipulate.