In the Pursuit of Happiness

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13 Mar 2025, 12:27 am

My subject line is the same as a well known movie but I just think it kind of fits how I've been feeling. As I reflect on current job it is just becoming clearer to me that my current career is not the path I want for myself anymore. I have changed as a person. I am not the same person I was even five years ago and that's not a bad thing. Before I used to wish I was that person but am realizing now I am becoming someone new. Sitting my life away in an office chair is not what I want for myself anymore. Sometimes maybe it takes going through some experiences to realize what you want and what you don't.

My love for history has been awakened more and more over the past year. When I got out of high school it's what I wanted to pursue but I had failed out of college partly due to my own laziness and partly because I never pursued getting the help that I definitely needed. With the way the world is going the more I realize I don't want to spend my time doing things that make me unhappy. I have been praying alot as well for God's direction as I don't want to do things that He dosen't want for me. I can say pretty much with certainty that sitting in an office chair is just not what I want for myself. I am not knocking anyone that truly is able to enjoy office work. After doing it now for 16 years and with the changes to a more hybrid/remote working environment none of it feels the same to me anymore and it makes me depressed and unhappy.

It's funny because I think of the movie "Office Space" which came out in the 90's and I can relate so much to Peter Gibbons character. A great quote Peter says in the movie is:

"Human beings weren't meant to sit in little cubicles, staring at computer screens all day."

I realize though that what I feel is ok because people change. We are not static individuals. I used to think you needed to have it all together by a certain age and be kind of set in what you wanted to do. Some people figure out what makes them happy early and some later in life. Now I just need to figure out how to take steps to realize what I truly want to do.