For the sake of argument, let's increase the size of the chess board by double. So how does it play? You have player 1 & 2 with their own chess pieces and player 3 who has double the chess pieces except for the king and queen. Player 3's queen requires two moves to take down and the king requires three moves. When a move is made against Player 3's king and queen, Player 1 or 2's chess piece that struck them must go back to it's previous position on the board. The game begins with an enemy of my enemy is my friend so player 1 & 2 must work together to defeat player 3. When player 3 is defeated, player 1 & 2 are given a choice: Honor a truce or turn against each other. If a truce is honored, the game ends. If not, player 1 & 2 continue the game with their remaining pieces until one of them wins.
I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricity offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.
There is no such thing as perfect. We are beautiful as we are. With all our imperfections, we can do anything.