old_comedywriter wrote:
Because we're proud of our partners.
And I would always refer to an equal status person as "My (title), (name)."
Elder relatives were referred to by title only.
It's just what I've always done.
Same here, my grandparents were always referred to as such and even as an adult in the years before they died, it would have felt really weird to use any of their actual names. It's a little less so with my aunts and uncles, but it definitely would feel weird to not include aunt or uncle as appropriate.
There's also a bit of issues at times where clarifying the relationship just makes the dating world a lot less confusing as there's plenty of times when you don't really want to look for a ring, and my god is that complicated at times, trying to remember which hand and which finger, and sometimes folks will be wearing more than one and trying to look without making it really clear that you're looking for a ring. (Side note, anybody that is looking for a date, especially women, should avoid wearing any rings that can't easily be identified as being not wedding rings. I think that often times servers at restaurants, especially young women, will wear a ring on both ring fingers just to discourage people from hitting on them)
lostonearth35 wrote:
I have the same last name as my brother because I've never been married.
But that might confuse some people if I don't refer to him as "my brother". Or older people at least.
And then I'd be like, "You thought we were... EWWW!!"
Although if I did get married, keeping my last name seems kind of pointless since it's my father's last name.
Women keeping their maiden name seems to be getting a lot more common these days. And, I wouldn't be surprised if with this nonsense right now with voting and names needing to match the birth certificate if we don't see that trend accelerate significantly. My wife's legal name sill uses her maiden name, apparently that's typical of Persians, but for informal situations she'll use mine. It gets a bit confusing because I get a lot of mail now for A My_Lastname.