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23 Mar 2025, 12:16 pm

I can’t believe that it’s still necessary to post this but evidently people and animals are still be tortured by shock ‘therapy’ methods. This needs to be stopped and punished with prison time and/or a taste of their own torture.

If you are a parent or a family member of an autistic person or a person with a mental health condition, it is NEVER okay to use shock or any other means of torture as a method of treatment.

The same protection should be given to animals. Animals should not ever be shocked. (I’m talking to you, lab experiments.)

It’s time to evaluate and to study life in healthier ways.


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23 Mar 2025, 3:02 pm

we can expect more such brutality in the years ahead due to the stupidity of a working majority of the American public.


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23 Mar 2025, 3:03 pm

auntblabby wrote:
we can expect more such brutality in the years ahead due to the stupidity of a working majority of the American public.

And a brutal European history of eugenics as well.


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23 Mar 2025, 8:33 pm

Is this post specially talking about ECT(Electroconvulsive Therapy) which is currently mostly only used for severe mental health disorders like extreme depression & catatonia or is there other types of shock therapy being done :?: If it's the latter I haven't heard anything about it in the news.

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23 Mar 2025, 11:42 pm

nick007 wrote:
Is this post specially talking about ECT(Electroconvulsive Therapy) which is currently mostly only used for severe mental health disorders like extreme depression & catatonia or is there other types of shock therapy being done :?: If it's the latter I haven't heard anything about it in the news.

It’s outdated quack treatment. Nobody with any professionalism or integrity should be doing this in 2025. Anyone who does should share the same treatment to gain better understanding and respect for human rights.


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24 Mar 2025, 9:16 am

Stargazer99 wrote:
nick007 wrote:
Is this post specially talking about ECT(Electroconvulsive Therapy) which is currently mostly only used for severe mental health disorders like extreme depression & catatonia or is there other types of shock therapy being done :?: If it's the latter I haven't heard anything about it in the news.

It’s outdated quack treatment. Nobody with any professionalism or integrity should be doing this in 2025. Anyone who does should share the same treatment to gain better understanding and respect for human rights.
I think modern ECT is a bit safer than it used to be & it's almost never a first line treatment these days. Psych meds can have major risks & side-effects as well.
Also there's a variation of ECT nowadays called DBS(Deep Brain Stimulation) that involves cutting the skull open to implant an electrode on top the brain to send a weak frequent electrical current. DBS's main use is a movement disorder called Essential Tremors but it's also sometimes used to treat mental disorders. I've done a little research on DBS because I have Essential Tremors & the science sounds legit to me. The main risk involves the surgery. Essential Tremors only has one approved med which I've been on as well as a few off-label meds & the meds have not helped me much if at all. I would be interested in trying DBS but I haven't had good luck with neurologists & I'd have to jump through hoops to get my insurance to approve DBS.

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

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24 Mar 2025, 10:43 am

To me, ABA is just another form of aversion therapy, which in most societies is unlawful, even for use with criminals. So why then is it legal to use it to "treat" autistic children?
It is of no benefit whatsoever to them, and only forces them to behave in what, to them, is an unnatural way, so as to offer their parents the comfort that their kids have become more "normal"!


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24 Mar 2025, 6:12 pm

nick007 wrote:
Stargazer99 wrote:
nick007 wrote:
Is this post specially talking about ECT(Electroconvulsive Therapy) which is currently mostly only used for severe mental health disorders like extreme depression & catatonia or is there other types of shock therapy being done :?: If it's the latter I haven't heard anything about it in the news.

It’s outdated quack treatment. Nobody with any professionalism or integrity should be doing this in 2025. Anyone who does should share the same treatment to gain better understanding and respect for human rights.
I think modern ECT is a bit safer than it used to be & it's almost never a first line treatment these days. Psych meds can have major risks & side-effects as well.
Also there's a variation of ECT nowadays called DBS(Deep Brain Stimulation) that involves cutting the skull open to implant an electrode on top the brain to send a weak frequent electrical current. DBS's main use is a movement disorder called Essential Tremors but it's also sometimes used to treat mental disorders. I've done a little research on DBS because I have Essential Tremors & the science sounds legit to me. The main risk involves the surgery. Essential Tremors only has one approved med which I've been on as well as a few off-label meds & the meds have not helped me much if at all. I would be interested in trying DBS but I haven't had good luck with neurologists & I'd have to jump through hoops to get my insurance to approve DBS.

Yeah, I can’t recommend doing that. No one needs to cut open your skull, especially in the year 2025. Technology has evolved way beyond that. Maybe find a neurologist who specializes in the most current research. Not someone from 1950.


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24 Mar 2025, 6:18 pm

gwynfryn wrote:
To me, ABA is just another form of aversion therapy, which in most societies is unlawful, even for use with criminals. So why then is it legal to use it to "treat" autistic children?
It is of no benefit whatsoever to them, and only forces them to behave in what, to them, is an unnatural way, so as to offer their parents the comfort that their kids have become more "normal"!


I joined others in signing a petition against this a year ago.

Document Type: Proposed Rule
Title: Banned Devices; Proposal To Ban Electrical Stimulation Devices for Self- Injurious or Aggressive Behavior
Document ID: FDA-2023-N-3902-0001

I am an autistic adult who is against the use of any form of shock treatment for the behavior modification of any living being. Not only is the use of shock cruel and inhumane, it is a form of medical gaslighting that must stop. No one should suffer such abuse. Stimming can be a healthy way of coping for many autistic people and we should not be punished for being neurodiverse. Please help us by stopping shocks and all other types of medical gaslighting.

For further information about the commenting process, please visit


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Yesterday, 7:45 pm

nick007 wrote:
Is this post specially talking about ECT(Electroconvulsive Therapy) which is currently mostly only used for severe mental health disorders like extreme depression & catatonia or is there other types of shock therapy being done :?:

#StopTheShock: The Judge Rotenberg Center, Torture, and How We can Stop It
On this page, we will talk a lot about aversives. Aversives are a kind of punishment done to people with disabilities. They are used when someone wants a person with a disability to stop doing something. The point of an aversive is to make the person with a disability feel pain or discomfort. They can be anything, including really horrible things like refusing to let someone eat or electric shocks.

There is a kind of aversive that is so bad that the United Nations said it was torture. It is used by only one place – the Judge Rotenberg Center.

The Judge Rotenberg Center and Electric Skin Shock Devices
The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) is a facility in Canton, Massachusetts. The Judge Rotenberg Center tries to control the actions of its students using aversives. The worst aversive the JRC uses is an electric shock device called a Graduated Electronic Decelerator (GED).

The GED is attached to the student’s body. Using a remote control, someone else can use the GED to give an electric shock to the person wearing it. The JRC has electrocuted people for:

Flapping their hands
Standing up
Not taking off a coat
Noises or movements that they make because of their disability
Screaming in pain while being shocked
Use of the GED on someone has all kinds of bad side effects. It can burn skin or make someone unable to move. It can make people so scared they sometimes get mental health disabilities.

The JRC says that they need to use the GED on the people who live there because they struggle not to hurt themselves or others. But the JRC is the only place in the United States that uses electric shocks. All across America, people with the exact same disabilities as the people at the JRC get support that helps them with the exact same problems, without aversive.

The FDA and the Judge Rotenberg Center
People have been trying to get the electric shock devices used by the JRC banned since they were first made. The closest we have come to getting the devices banned is asking the FDA to do it.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the power to ban the electric shock devices used by the JRC. More than five years ago, it held a big meeting. It invited lots of people, including autistic self-advocates and the JRC itself. At that meeting, the FDA found that the electric shock devices were too dangerous to use.

Two years later, in 2016, the FDA created a proposed rule that would ban the devices. A “proposed rule” is a draft of a rule. The government asks the public to comment on the draft before anyone has to follow it. Lots of people commented on the rule about the GEDs.

In March 2020, the FDA finally released the final rule that banned the electric shock devices. Instead of following the rule, the JRC filed a lawsuit against the FDA so they could keep hurting people with disabilities. In July 2021, the DC Circuit Court overturned the ban. That means the JRC can keep using the devices.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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Today, 11:56 am

Stargazer99 wrote:
nick007 wrote:
Stargazer99 wrote:
It’s outdated quack treatment. Nobody with any professionalism or integrity should be doing this in 2025. Anyone who does should share the same treatment to gain better understanding and respect for human rights.
I think modern ECT is a bit safer than it used to be & it's almost never a first line treatment these days. Psych meds can have major risks & side-effects as well.
Also there's a variation of ECT nowadays called DBS(Deep Brain Stimulation) that involves cutting the skull open to implant an electrode on top the brain to send a weak frequent electrical current. DBS's main use is a movement disorder called Essential Tremors but it's also sometimes used to treat mental disorders. I've done a little research on DBS because I have Essential Tremors & the science sounds legit to me. The main risk involves the surgery. Essential Tremors only has one approved med which I've been on as well as a few off-label meds & the meds have not helped me much if at all. I would be interested in trying DBS but I haven't had good luck with neurologists & I'd have to jump through hoops to get my insurance to approve DBS.

Yeah, I can’t recommend doing that. No one needs to cut open your skull, especially in the year 2025. Technology has evolved way beyond that. Maybe find a neurologist who specializes in the most current research. Not someone from 1950.

Um, what? They don't cut people's heads open to do ECT, it's electrodes applied to the head. And there's generally medication used to prevent the muscles the worst of the convulsions. It's definitely less than ideal, but you make it sound like it's a form of lobotomy, it's not. And yes, there are potential issues like memory loss that come of it, the fact of the matter is that it does still have a medical use.