I use public transit all the time, I like it for the most part. I wear over ear noise cancelling headphones and listen to music; I also usually wear a hoodie most of the time. The biggest problem for me is that they don't go everywhere, sometimes a desired destination is 1/4 mile or more away from the nearest stop. I pay $25 a month for pass that lets me ride any bus in 2 counties plus bus to a 3rd county base station.
They state I live in has built a light rail that is getting better and longer as time goes on. I have ridden it several times and it is pretty nice, really hard seats though. I pay $2 a day for unlimited access to light rail and regional transit buses that span two more metropolitan counties and the international airport. Always pretty clean but has had issues in the past with people getting attacked in underground station areas and stairwells.
There are also several different ferries from several different ports going to several different islands, I have ridden most of them at least once and a couple I rode many, many times. I love the ferry rides, especially as a walk on passenger. I used to go ride ferry round trip just to enjoy the ride, smelling the salt water and fresh air makes my spirit happy.
There is also an Amtrak and Greyhound station here but I haven't used either in decades. The train is too expensive which keeps me away, it is much quicker and more convenient though. I haven't used Greyhound in long time, I always thought they were too stuffy and crowded for my preferences and avoid them if possible.
The reality is all public transit can be and usually is crowded most of the time. Covid was nice for that alone, people gave me space on the bus. I'm big enough and quiet enough that most people just leave me alone, especially with my hoodie up and headphones on. There are some places and stations I have been to here and abroad that are simply amazing to experience and use, most are merely serviceable at best however. Some are so nasty and full of darkness that I pass through only if necessary and have no other option. No need to chase trouble.
If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.
Maya Angelou