Erica_J wrote:
I hate those questionnaires with a passion (looking at you Packfinder). Those questionnaires are like: let's make assumptions about you and your character before even doing an interview or a pre-interview screening. They're not at all designed for us autistic and neurodiverse people. Just ugh...

This reminds me of a recent employment assessment that I completed. It asked if I preferred to work with a team or alone. In the past, I always masked to get a job and answered “team” because I knew that was what they wanted to read. I can’t bring myself to mask anymore, so in my recent application I answered everything as honestly and with as much transparency as possible. They probably won’t hire me as a result of that honesty, but I feel so much better for being authentic. If we aren’t hired because of our autism preferences then we probably wouldn’t enjoy the job anyway.